Valentine's Day

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Aries: Burns down every single store that has anything to do with Valentine's Day

Taurus: Eats all the Valentine's Day candy in sight

Gemini: Makes cards for their imaginary friends

Cancer: Reads romance novels while their mascara drips down their face

Leo: Goes out and drinks

Virgo: Daydreams about their crush

Libra: Goes out with friends

Scorpio: Sits in bed and stares at the ceiling wondering what to do with their life

Sagittarius: Doesn't care, they're so used to being single it doesn't matter to them anymore

Capricorn: They actually hate Valentine's Day so they try to ignore it since they have no one to spend it with

Aquarius: GTA epicness. End of story

Pieces: Is texting all their friends or playing with stuffed animals cause they are all 4 year olds on the inside

Aries: Is teasing their date about everything, but they do it lovingly

Taurus: Still eating all the Valentine's Day candy, just with their crush

Gemini: Selfies. So many cute selfies

Cancer: Straight outta a romance novel with cuddles and candle light dinner and sitting by the fire and slow dances (My bff who's a Cancer actually hates romance so if you're a Cancer and you're like that tell me what you'd do:3)

Leo: Is basically protecting their date so no one even looks at them. So protective

Virgo: Is so awkward and cute when they flirt with their date. So they give them stuffed animals (and their jacket if you're a dude) and then watching Disney movies

Libra: The essentials; giving their date roses and kisses and spoiling them, trying to make them feel wanted and then doing whatever their dates wanted to do

Scorpio: Ok since Scorpios have such loving personalities, they'd be doing something very heartfelt for their date, like asking them to marry them 'under the stars that brought them together' or something sappy like that XD

Sagittarius: It would definitely be sweet, like giving their date doodles and drawings they made for them, or something homemade instead of store bought

Capricorn: They skip everything to put their date first, making sure their happy. Giving them (and I've done this before and I'm going to do it again) an atomically correct heart, since they can't give them their own without dying

Aquarius: Totally forgets it's Valentine's Day and makes up for it last minutes with hugs and kisses and money

Pisces: Gives them a tinfoil rose, since they can't afford real ones, and real roses eventually die (this was my sisters idea since she's Pisces :p)

A/N: Well, another chapter done. This one I had to put some actually thought to lol but I got it done. The pic is what my long distance BF (he's a Libra) was texting me about Valentine's Day AND HES SO FUDGING SWEET UGH I COULD JUST EAT HIM UP OMNOMNOM!!!! Lol idk XD. So, comment, vote, share, all that jazz ✨👯✨

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