Randomness #4

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Scorpio and Aries (Just because)

Cancer and Scorpio (Because of all the feelz)

Capricorn and Libra (Cause they'll balance each other out and that's me and my bf :3)

Pisces and Aquarius (THEY R SO ADORABLE OMFG)

Taurus and Virgo (I think they're like the awkward couple)

Libra and Sagittarius (Cause I think Libra is the flirty chick and Sagittarius is the nerdy guy for the win!)

Gemini and Pisces (In a brotherly/sisterly way in my opinion but ship the incest if u wanna)

Leo and Aries (I want Aries to knock some sense into Leo, and Leo can make Aries loosen up)

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