Signs As Falling In Reverse Songs

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Aries: Raised By Wolves
Taurus: Fashionably Late
Gemini: Stay Away
Cancer: My Heart's To Blame
Leo: Sexy Drug (one of my favs, lucky)
Virgo: Pick Up The Phone
Libra: The Drug In Me Is You
Scorpio: The Western
Sagittarius: The Drug In Me Is You
Capricorn: I'm Not A Vampire
Aquarius: Game Over
Pieces: Tragic Magic

A/N: I'm going to dedicate this to one of my dear friends who is in the midst of their writing process and I like to annoy them. :P   Plus, they're the one who showed me this band, and I'm not going to mention their real name, cause I'm not that awful. ANY (DOCTOR) WHO!!!! Comment, vote, share, and all that jazz party people's ✨👏🏼✨👏🏼✨👏🏼✨👏🏼✨

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