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(Heyo. Just wanted to say that this is a second sort of ending to the story. Believe me it'll make you feel better id the previous chapter was too sad for your liking)

It had been a year since Hanji's rescue. She had been assigned into a specialized ghoul care in case she were to have another rampage. Although she bever showed the signs of having one they still kept her in a secure area that wasn't surrounded by a large human population. The place she had been staying at was a small cabin out in a rural countryside. There she could remain watched but could still live on her own without any worries. It was fairly relaxing where she now lived, and since she had gotten three new room mates in her large country home, Mike, Nanaba, and Moblit, she still had company when she needed it.

However, it was still lonely.

The only person who she wanted to be around more than anyone was her tiny grump of a ghoul. It left her devastated when she found out that his person dissapeared during the whole scramble to fix what the scientist, who still remained uncaptured, had done. No one thought he made it and that his unnamed body got lost in the injured and deceased. After learning the news she wasn't as cheery as she was before, her three room mates tried to get her to go out with them to the nearby city to try and take her mind off of him, at first she would politely decline but eventually she started to go out into the world.

Soon she started to become her old self again, she never fully went back but it was better than the gloom and sadness of what she had been. And one day, which was fairly gloomy due to an oncoming storm, she heard the front door of the house open and close. This confused and slightly concerned her given that her room mates were supposedly out in the city for personal, business, or grocery reasons. Since she was in the kitchen making a specialized meal for herself, she put down her utensils she had and slowly prepared herself. The kagune she had was never removed and for a while she had practiced using it to where she could control it outside of a rampage.

Slowly creeping with her eye turning to the ghoulish black and red, she made her way to the main area. A deep and familiar voice grumbled as to how they had gotten wet from the drizzle outside. Soon it called out, "Oi. Anyone here?" Hanji's eyes widened slightly and she slowly turned the corner, a head of raven hair sat on a short and well built male. Hanji stood in the doorway and froze, "L-Levi?..." She softly said and the figure turned around, steel irises and a small grumpy but familiar face softened into a relieved and happy expression, "Hey Hanji." The male said gently and walked over to her.

The brunette couldn't believe what she saw, "But... I thought... You... I hurt you... Badly." She said trying to find a coheremt sentence, Levi chuckled and hugged her tightly, she held him close as if she wouldn't let go, "Yeah but I also self heal, I had a fairly large meal a few days prior, it took about a week before I actually started the healing process, but your doctors at the HQ know how to keep ghouls alive so they kept me going until I healed." He said and Hanji pulled away to look at him, "How did you even find me?" She asked and he sighed, "So many questions. But after I had healed I went into hiding. I didn't really want to become the next experiment, but I did keep in touch with Erwin. I needed to know what all was happening to you. So once enough time had passed after the excursion, I wanted to find you again. Erwin told me that you had been alerted to my dissapearance, he also said that you may not have believed it actually was me after hearing that." He said and looked her in the eyes, "But I am sorry for not telling you until now. I just needed to make sure that you had recovered from that kind of experience." He said and she held him close again, "It's okay." She said softly, "I'm just... I missed you so much." She said and he hugged her again, "I missed you too." He said.

Once they had finally let go of their embrace, the two sat down to catch up and pick up where they had left off before. When Moblit, Nanaba, and Mike returned, Levi made sure to say hello to them too. All in the end everything returned to a more peaceful and happier state, and Hanji and Levi were able to have the life they wanted together.



Yes i know another authors note. And yes, the epilogue was the cheesy, "they ended up back together" but this was the second ending i had for this story... Which is now complete... oh my goodness it feels so wierd to say... But I do want to say a special thank you to those who have stuck with this story and my very spaced updates!!!!!! You guys are the best and thank you for so much love and support that you've given to this story! I never imagined it would go past more than five chapters and it's been such a joy writing this fic.

I have many more stories planned ahead (and the new one I'm hoping to start on soon is taking a more aquatic theme). I want to again thank all of those who have read and liked, commented, and followed, your support and feedback have been so kind and it makes me happy you guys enjoyed the story! I hope you all have a wonderful journey ahead and as always, stay tuned for next time!


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