I'm actually going to miss writing this omg...

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"Are we ready for this because there's no going back now."

"We came in knowing what was to come, no use in chickening out now."

"So be it. Everyone, the force we're going to be dealing with will probably be the biggest fight of your lives. You'll also be facing a fellow comrade. She is under no knowledge of what she is doing. Our aim currently is to capture. Not kill. If it comes to it... You know what to do." An authoritative voice boomed out through the hallways. Everyone prepared themselves, drawing weapons and checking armour.

Off by the commander of the troops was a small group prepared for war, their eyes black and red and weapons prepared for battle. The commander looked at them and their leader gave them the okay.

He looked out over his own troops and gave the signal.

All ran on into the place ahead, ready and rearing for battle.

Earlier that day

"Now then Levi do you have everything you need?" The small man nodded, surrounding him were four other ghouls, the last of his special squad. Lebi nodded, "They know the situation and are fully prepared for what will happen."

Erwin steepled his fingers, "Good. You all are welcome to stay here and do any final preparations. The Investigators know not to bother you and let you around the basic areas. We're currently prepping the soldiers with gear and weapons. We're leaving this afternoon." Erwin said and the group all quietly said their understanding.

Levi led his squad out and into a foyer, they sat and quietly discussed what their plans would be, a few investigators gave them odd looks, the five did stand out a little. Eventually they were joined by the scientists Hanji worked with, Moblit and Nifa sat near Levi and joined in the small talk.

A few hours later everyone was called up for briefing and the final preparations. Levi and his squad went with the other higher ups as well as Erwin to the meeting. They sat in their assigned seats and waited for the meeting to begin...

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now