Cheering up

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((Okay now that you had a bit of a feel train I'm gonna give you guys a bit of fluff to make up for it. Also writing this lil authors note I have no where near finished the chapter and I'm too lazy to change this so you'll learn more about Hanji and it may seem SERIOUSLY ooc but like some of the story is just for show and some of it happened, mostly it's to cheer Levi up, some to quote 50% off but yeah. It may get graphic but i have no idea because who knows what my brain will do?

"Hanji..." A whispered voice caused two honey brown eyes to groggily open, "Did I escape the cops?"
"Did... What?..."
Hanji rubbed her eyes, "Oh... Huh... I must have been dreaming..." She tried to sit up but noticed an unmoving pressure on her torso and looked down to see two stormy irises peeking up at her, "Morning sunshine, the earth says hello." Levi nudged her, "The earth can go fuck itself." (OKAY SO NEED TO MAKE A SIDE NOTE THIS IS A REFERENCE TO AN ARTIST I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHO DRAWS LEVIHAN. IF YOU KNOW WHO IT IS DON'T BE AFRAID TO SAY IT anyways bak to the story))
"Well then."
"Don't give me that."

Hanji sighed and draped an arm over his shoulder and the other over her eyes, "Anyways, what do you want to do besides mope?" Levi curled up further into her, burying his face into her neck and holding her tight. She sighed and wrapped both arms around him, "You need some cheering up. It is now my responsibility to make sure it happens." She said and grabbed her glasses from off the floor, "So. Wanna hear some of the illegal shit I did as a younger nerd?"
"This should be a trip."
"Hey there is a lot of humor in my stories."

"Okay so we're in this cop car. Some how one of the tires had fallen off, popcorn still leaking out of the trunk. So we drive into a dark street and eventually lose the guys chasing us. The two dudes in the back seat were still in their costumes although the banana guy was struggling to get out of his." Levi was listening to every word intently, they had moved so Levi was reclined against Hanji and sitting in her lap. She was playing with his hair which was soothing him greatly. In all honesty he had actually begun to like her, sure she was loud but her presence was really comforting him. "So once they had left we all just kind of breathed, but then. BAM!" She spiked his hair up with the loud noise, he jumped a bit but settled back down quickly, "We were on the go again because apparently some guys on foot had found us. I was screaming for the guy driving to floor it but he stops at a stop sign. We already were in trouble so... Yeah... Anyways we finally just drove to a bridge and all got out then drove it into a river. And that is why I have stopped going for wild nights on thursdays."
"Did you at least keep the dog?"
"Where do you think Sawney came from?"
"What even are you?" He said and looked up at her, she looked down and grinned, "One hell of a person to go out on the town with."
"No kidding. I need to see this for myself."
"I would get fired so sorry but I gotta decline." He huffed a little, "No fun." She smiled and flipped his hair back into place, "You seem to be feeling better." He nodded, "Yeah... I am... Thanks for trying to cheer me up." Hanji wrapped her arms around his chest and put her chin on his head and hugged him, "No problem, Shorty! Glad to help." She released him and stood herself up, "Anyways I've got to head to work try not to mope around inside. Mope a little outside, you need the air." He frowned at the sudden loss of warmth, "Try not to hurt yourself at work. I still have to fight you someday." Hanji chuckled, "Whatever you say." She walked to her room and took a shower, Levi curled up into a ball and buried himself in blankets, Hanji came back out, her hair was in her towel and she had a tank top and sweats on, Levi perked up and sat up, still in his blanket burrito, "That was the fastest shower you've ever taken since I've lived here." Hanji looked over curiously and laughed, "Thanks! I can take pretty quick showers when I'm on a time crunch." She said and went to the kitchen, Levi watched her as she moved, eventually she went back to her room and came out in her usual work uniform, she picked up her briefcase and a small back pack, "Welp. I am off to work! Try not to do anything stupid." She said with a wave and a grin, Levi rolled his eyes, "Bye. I should say the same to you." He said and paused a little as she turned and walked to the door, "Hanji?" She stopped as she grabbed the door knob and turned, her brown ponytail swishing behind her, "What's up?"
"Stay safe... And try not to get in any trouble. Please." She smiled, "I won't, besides we still need a rematch don't we?" She said with a smirk and walked out.

"Yeah... We do..."

A whisper of the night. (levihan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now