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(This one is a feel train so have fun with it)

Thump thump. Thump thump. Faded conversations and swimming voices surrounded the being that slowly was regaining conciousness. It began trying to move its head but only could move it so far due to to restraints and pains that were beyond words. The being tried to speak, to regain any kind of humanity, "wh...." Was the only thing that escaped the pale lips of the scientist. She was drained. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. Barely able to recognize anything because of bright lights being shone in her eyes as her swimming head slowly became less and less foggy. Her breathing quickened as she slowly began to realize what had happened, her heart rate becoming rapid as the panic set in.

"Where... Am I?..." Finally a sentence broke the silence she had been trying to rid herself of, a figure stood above her, dark and menacing. His voice was deep and sounded far away, "You're still underground. You're restrained to make sure you wouldn't do any more damage." He said and tears welled, she had hurt someone or something bad enough that she had to be chained up. It caused panic and fear, the tears that welled started streaming down her face, "Did... Did I hurt someone?..." She asked and soon a redhead came into view, she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and quietly explained to the brunette what all took place. The brunette went limp and pale, the news swarmed in her head and she let out a long and shuddering breath.

'You went into a frenzy. When we found you... You started attacking. Levi tried to stop you but you injured him. Badly.'

The words the redhead told her played again and again like a broken record. She undid the poor broken person and even though she was told not to, no one went to stop her. The brunette sat up slowly and painfully, looking around the room and gaining some sense of where she was, and then she saw him.

The lifeless body of the person she loved the most, the one thing that kept her going through the tough times. She slowly crawled over to him, everyone went on alert with her movements as she made her way to his body. When she approached he opened his eyes groggily, his clear steel orbs fairly dull and sad. She gently picked his body up and held him close, fearing it would be the last time she could ever touch him again. The male softly burrowed into her embrace, taking a long breath and closing his eyes again, the scientist slowly started crying, sobs sounded through her throat and out into the room. No one moved or said a word, all watched the two as they were together for what they thought would be the last time.

"Hanji..." The male started and waited for her to look at him, when she didn't he meekly raised a hand to her face, gently touching her skin and turning her head so her distressed amber eyes looked at him, "Please don't cry. It'll make a mess." He said and she chuckled softly, he tried to make her feel better even in the end, "Just try and make it out of here, don't worry about me, okay?" He said and she shook her head, "No. I don't want to leave you behind." She said softly, he smiled at her, "I'm not going to be left, someone's bound to take my old ass out of here." He said and rubbed his thumb on her cheek. Hanji squeezed a little tighter, "I can't let you go." She said in just above a whisper, he nodded, "I know. But you have to. We have to leave." He said and soon his world began to fade his arm relaxed and fell away from her face, his body shifted without his doing and the only thing he heard before the world went to black was a shaky and quiet, "I love you."


Once they were out all who needed to be tended to were sent to the medical wards of the HQ, both human and ghoul alike were put into transports and driven out, Levi was also taken to somewhere that Hanji didn't know, she was too upset to pay attention or hear the name or even if he was going to survive the trip. She heard Erwin saying how they would have to put her in a special containment once this whole ordeal had settled, she was loaded into one of the special trucks for dangerous ghouls and once inside she finally broke down and cried....


A/N: OH MY SWEET STARS I FINALLY UPDATED A REAL CHAPTER. FFS THIS WAS A LONG TIME COMING OMG. But in any case, holy cow you guys, it's been so wonderful to see how much you guys have loved this story! People have left such kind words on the chaptes and on my own personal boards and it's made me so happy and given me the motivation to finally get this chapter out. As the chapter name suggests this is the final chapter to the story but I do have an epilogue planned, believe me it'll probably relieve the pain of this one and is more or less the second ending i had planned for this story. But long authors note aside I want to thank all of you for reading this story, I never thought it would gain as much love and support as it did and I'm blown away with how much it's been enjoyed. I'm eager to write a new story for everyone to enjoy and I'm still open to suggestions as to what you guys want to see! As always thank you for reading and giving your feedback and support!


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