The final chapters of this story omg

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((Hello hello. While I've been having writers block a little bit I've been working on a new levihan fic and surprisingly enough I actually have a good bit of chapters which I'm impressed at since like i never actually go past like 3))

"Dammit Smith where the hell are you?" Levi muttered to himself, he impatiently stared at the time on his phone, minute after minute kept passing and Hanji was home by herself. Was she safe? Did Erwin get stuck in traffic? He bounced his leg nervously as he watched the door from his table, he already alerted his friends as to the plan he had. Now he just had to wait until Erwin arrived and he could finally say what was on his mind. He watched through the windows at the world around and impatiently waited, eventually the tall blonde figure he was waiting for eventually walked down the street. He watched as Erwin came through the door, he looked around for Levi and when he spotted him, he joined him at the table, "So, how have you been?" He asked, Levi raised an eyebrow, "You should know the answer, worried as hell." Levi replied, Erwin nodded, "Might as well cut to the chase, what all has got you worried?" Levi reclined in the chair, "Well, I'll start with last night. Hanji came home at an unlawful hour and after three days. She gave the same excuse that work had been piling up, you sent me the message that things had been slow lately, that was red flag number one. Number two is that she hasn't been eating what she used to, she would eat human foods regularly but now she complains that what she bought had gone bad, I've never had human food but I've been around it long enough to know when it's gone bad or not. That was red flag number two. Number three was the fact that when she was home she would have nightmares. I once went in to wake her up, I saw what looked like a Kagune, it was too dark to tell but at the same time the colors matched. It wasn't much but I could tell it was there, and she's never been able to use it before." Levi said, Erwin listened intently and waited to see if Levi said anything else, "Do you think that the person who kidnapped her is taking her during this time?" Levi nodded, "I think so. I haven't asked her because she doesn't give me any real answers." Erwin nodded, "Hmm... Well she's back at the apartment, give me the day to think of what to do about this. In the meantime keep me updated on anything suspicious." He said, Levi nodded, "Alright. Thanks for coming to listen." Levi said and the two began packing their things, "Well it involves an old friend and an old case, besides she's my top scientist. Can't afford to lose a brain like that." He said, Levi raised an eyebrow, "Well you aren't wrong." He said and Erwin stood next to him.
((Just gonna put a note here I was on a plane when I wrote the rest of this chapter.))
"Damn tree." Levi commented, Erwin smiled and chuckled in amusement, "Well, I guess that means farewell." He said and Levi grumbled a goodbye as the man left.

"Sir how do you know the current head of this sector's CCG headquarters?" A female whispered to him, Levi sighed, "I'll explain later, for now just don't act like you know me too much." He said and walked out of the building.

"Hanji. I'm home." Levi said, no response. "Hanji?" Still nothing, now he was alert and on panic mode, he scrambled through the house yelling her name as she didn't answer. Eventually he went to her room and threw open the door. There sprawled on her bed was Hanji, out cold and with headphones blasting in her ears. Levi sighed in relief and walked over to her, he shook her and she groggily woke up, "Mm? Oh... Hibbabbe wassup?" He chuckled at her slur of words and took the headphones out of her ears. Hanji plopped back down and Levi crawled over her and onto the other side of the bed, "I was worried when you didn't respond, I see why now though." He said and she nodded sleepily, "I wass nappin." She said and curled up to him, he smiled and wrapped an arm around her, "Did anyone come by?" No use, she was back to sleep and he sighed.

Might as well get some sleep too.

((Okay sorry for the uneventful chapter there's a lot of turbulence so I'm going to finish things until later.))

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