Unwanted visitors an unexpected visitors

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"You okay?"
"If it makes you feel better, they're going to take a nap."
"It doesn't. They'll just wake up and run around more."
"To be fair it is just Eren running around." Hanji retorted and sat on the couch with a soft thump, now that they had officially become roommates, Hanji and Levi usually spent nights just like that, Levi would either quietly watch the television or go to bed while Hanji would read or watch the screen with him, neither of them had tried to kill each other yet and Levi had gotten a job and started paying his bills, all in all it was pretty nice! Hanji had also learned quite a bit about ghouls, and Levi learned about humans, now they were stuck taking care of two kids for a week and watching over another for a few hours. "Can't I just eat them? It'll benefit both of us because you don't have to watch them and I get some easy meals." He groaned and slumped over, Hanji swatted the top of his head with a quiet laugh, "No! I usually get paid for this. No easy meals." She stretched and leaned into the couch, Levi looked up at her, "This is ironic, a ghoul and a ghoul killer currently living together." Hanji nodded, "Well we're on a truce in a sense. But it is really great, I finally have someone to talk to besides my pets." She said, speaking of pets, Bean was curled up in Hanji's lap and purring while Sawney was sniffing at Levi, the said ghoul looked over and stared at the dog while he stared back. This continued for a minute until Sawney barked and caused Levi to flinch, Hanji chuckled, although she didn't trust him she was warming up to him. Levi scooted closer to where she was to avoid Sawney who jumped onto the couch, continuing the barking. Unfortunately that woke the three children up who came out to play with the dog, tackled Levi and resumed their rough housing. Levi growled in annoyance, Hanji got up and picked the kids off of him, "Okay, no more dog piling Levi. He's delicate and doesn't like it." Levi shot her a glare and Eren and his close buddy Mikasa both nodded and ran after poor Sawney next. Levi sighed and looked at the ground, "Thanks. I'm not really used to dealing with kids..." Hanji smiled, "No problem. Just no meals." He rolled his eyes.

Hanji sighed and gently laid down on the couch, the two little ones had finally gone to bed for the night and Levi had gone out to find himself food, so it felt like the original loneliness of living with just a cat and dog. It was odd, in such a short time she had grown to like the ghoul. Even though his temper was as short as he was and his attitude... Well... It could be worse, he honestly wasn't that bad. He kept the place extremely clean, minus her room, and if he brought his own food home he made sure to eat most of it before coming inside so it wouldn't stain the carpet. She reached down and picked up Sawney and scratched behind his ears, truth be told she was going to miss him when he left.

Tap tap. The train of thoughts was suddenly derailed by the sliding doors to the patio being rapped, Hanji held Sawney in her arms and walked over and slid the curtain, it was the familiar red head. Hanji opened the door and greeted the visitor with a warm smile, "Hi, Petra! Levi isn't home right now." Petra groaned and put her head in one of her hands, "Dammit. Is it alright if I stay here until he comes back? There's something I need to tell him." The brunette nodded, "Sure, is everything okay?" Petra looked a little unsure of whether or not to tell her, "I think it'll be best if I wait for Levi."
"Alright. Just make yourself at home, if you want some coffee, I made a pot a few minutes ago. It may still be warm but the microwave is in the kitchen." Petra nodded and both went in, Hanji sat on the couch and Sawney jumped out of Hanji's arms and went to see who the new guest was. He barked to alert Hanji of her prescence, then went into his doggie bed to sleep. Petra sat on the other end of the couch and stared at the door waiting for Levi to return. Hanji turned the t.v on at a low volume and went to check on the two kids. Eventually Levi slipped in, Petra immediately greeted him with a hug and a relieved expression, after a hushed conversation they went outside. As Hanji sat back on the sofa.

"H-Hanji... You've been at work all week. Have you gotten any new bodies?..." Levi asked quietly, Petra was still outside but Levi came in, he looked paler than usual and had worry in his eyes though his facial expression remained the same, "Yeah there were three. Two males and a female."
"What did they look like?..."
"Well the two males had black hair and the female was a blonde."
Levi's expression melted into gratitude and relief, "Thank you." He went back outside and talked to Petra for a few more minutes before both parted ways, Levi sat beside Hanji on the couch, "Sorry for asking, I just needed to confirm something." He said, she leaned against him, "Hey grumpy gills, I'm sure your friends are fine. Okay?" Levi rolled his eyes at the contact but did find comfort in what she said, he nodded, "I know but no one's heard from them. I may scout around the city tomorrow and look for them."
"Try not to do anything stupid, Shorty."
"I should say that to you, Shit-Glasses." He said and gently nudged her shoulder with his own, "I'll try and be back by tomorrow night." Hanji adjusted the glasses that slid down her nose, "If... If you need to leave. Like, move out I guess. You can, don't think I'm chaining you here because I'm curious about your kind. I let you stay until you were ready to leave." Levi looked over at her, "Our base of operations is five minutes from this place. Besides everyone in my little gang has their own hide outs but me so now I've got a place to live. Unless you're trying to get me to leave."
"Nah. I'm enjoying not having to pay so much for living here. Besides, I'm learning so much about ghouls and how they live and what they're social standards and hierarchy are and what abnormalities they ha-" Hanji's bubbly rambling was cut off by her ponytail being grabbed, "I can see an abnormality."
Hanji looked him up and down with her amber eyes, "What?"
"How excited you get over this shit."


((*sigh* sorry the romance isn't coming yet. This may be a long story but hey, if you guys like it I'll keep it going. I'm not here to criticize people but I'm not liking seeing really short stories that are cross over, au, etc where it's love at first sight and really ooc. Anyways sorry for rambling, I'll try and post the next chapter soon!))

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