"No!" I shook my head "You can't just barge into my room and expect me to just go to sleep and forget that!"

Noah rolled his eyes "It's MY house and this is MY guest room. I can do whatever the hell I want. Honestly it's too late in the night to deal with this crap, I need to go."

"Where are you going?" I asked softly grabbing Noah's arm.

He shook off my hold "It's none of your business, besides aren't you supposed to be mad at me."

"I am." I replied placing my hands on my hips "But I'm not going to let you go out alone Noah. I want to come with you."

Noah gave me a cold look "Just go back to bed sweetheart, I've been sneaking out on my own for awhile now and the last thing I need is some wimpy little girl following me."

His words hurt, they hurt me a lot. I don't understand how Jacob could think I could help Noah, he obviously doesn't want help.

Noah scoffed and started to climb out of the window. I grew to my senses and was about to grab his arm again to stop him but instead he grabbed mine in a tight grip.

I whimpered "Noah, you’re hurting me!" I yelled.

His face softened as he let go "I'm sorry." He mumbled ashamed.

I didn't reply I just rubbed my hand and Noah sighed "Just don't follow me Lex. Please."

And with that being said he climbed out the window and left me standing there clueless.


I never meant to hurt Lexi. I never meant to say such harsh things to her either it just happened.

This whole thing with Riley being pregnant has really gotten to me; I'm basically a ticking time bomb here.

I didn't mean to snap like that but I couldn't help it the whole baby thing has just got me so irritated.

I jumped down off the wall and started walking to my car. I jumped in quickly and started driving.

It was 10:45, it was almost an hour after I was supposed to meet Jacob, and hopefully he was late like I am.

I was driving to an abandoned tree house Jacob and I used to hang out in middle school and the beginning of high school.

We stopped going there after I had my big meltdown with finding out Hannah was cheating.

The tree house brought up too many memories because I used to talk to Jacob about her up there but I just feel like I need to tell Jacob about Riley and the baby in the tree house.

I don't think I could tell him anywhere else.

I still remember when we first found it...

“Noah can you stop walking so fast!” Jacob called out while I just chuckled turning around to face his sweaty face. He was huffing and puffing by the time he reached me “Damn when you said we should go for a walk I didn’t know you meant a damn ten mile hike!”

I rolled my eyes “You know Jake if you can’t handle it you could always go back to your house and join our parents for ‘tea’.” I chuckled when I saw his disgusted look.

Jacob sighed deeply “Fine we’ll keep walking but you better let me sit down to rest soon before I throw up that sandwich my mom made me before we left.”

I rolled my eyes “Well we’ve reached our destination Mr. Wise Guy.” I pointed towards the trees up in front. “There is something up there in the trees, I saw it before but I didn’t want to check it out alone.”

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