Chapter 1: The strange visage at the end of the world

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South Pole, 2014

The chilling air  was overwhelming the Antartic ground.  As expected of that region of the planet, the stormy winds combined with the snow and ice flying around would make it the less desirable region to ever get to see. That is unless you were the duo of middle aged man that were lurking the snow that very day. Same build, same height, but one of them had six fingers on each hand and a portable radar one the right one

-Geez, it's surely freezing around. Wasn't for these geeky suits you designed, my ass would be a popsicle right now.

The man with normal hands in a sturdy yellow suit was what you would describe as robust. Ample shoulders covered with corporal hair that ended in the neck matched very well with the rough, square chin. Gray, twirly hair covered his head very well for his age and the slightly yellow teeth of his mouth had a playful grin. As much as he was complaining, Stanley Pines was more than happy of being traveling with his twin brother, Stanford. 

-Being a nerd doesn't look that bad after all these years huh? After all, I covered all the basic biological functions of the human body with these suits. It helps a lot many other samples of unicorn hair contributed making these suits weirdness proof.

-You don't say. All these travels we have had in the last two years, between the giant sea monsters and all the other weird shit, one begins to wonder if there's some junior highschooler coming with all this crap on his free time.

Stanford giggled -That would certainly explain some of the oddities we have found. Those Artic Gnomes were all but properly adapted to the cold weather. But I think it's time we focus on the mission. According to my radar, the anomaly around here is closer.

-Roger, Dr. Nerd.

If you asked on the street, probably nobody would know about the incident known as the Weirdmaggedon of July 2012 at the little rural town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. The twins, however, lived it first hand. 

It was a nightmarish experience that would have drained the sanity of everyone in that town as well as destroyed the universe had it not been stopped. And yet, it helped bring the tow of them back and mend a broken relationship that had 30 years on shambles. Now that they were a dynamic duo, it seemed nothing could oppose them. Fixing all sorts of paranormal activity across the globe sounds like a death wish, but nothing is impossible when your brother is at your side.

  After a little more walking, Stanford stopped abruptly. His eyes were focused on his hand radar, where the lectures given seemed erratic even for the untrained eye. It started beeping like crazy, and various red LED it had started flashing.

-My God...- Ford Exclaimed.

-What is it, Ford? - Asked Stan. The preoccupation on his brother was evident.

-C'mon, Ford! It can't be worse than the Kraken manure!- He tried to joke


-These lectures, they're increasing in strength exponentially! And this wavelength...It can't be! Stan, we have to go back to the ice bikes! This is another portal!

-What!? You mean the big one, like in the Shack!?

-I'm afraid so. With the current equipment we have there's no chance we can fix this dimensional anomaly, but I have all the necessary back on the camp.

-Gotcha! C'mon!

32 years ago, the Town Of Gravity Falls saw the creation of a portal that nearly ended the existence as we know it. It destroyed the life of three men for years, and the idea of a similar portal being naturally created sounded less than appealing for the two of them that were standing close to it. Stan and Ford kept strutting towards the ice bikes that they left atop of the cliff they were down of, when Ford stopped dead on his tracks, grabbing Stan in the process too.


-Now what!? I thought we were supposed to go to your nerd camp!


-Moving?...You mean the Portal!?


-Shit!! This is not our day, is it?

-Can we have this conversation elsewhere, gentlemen? I'll rather talk to you in another place- Said a mysterious voice behind the duo

Turning back, the terrified duo saw the shadow of a man. His features weren't clear, but he was tall and slender.

-Hey! Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in this place!?-Stan exclaimed. He was pretty confused by this situation, but he couldn't let fear get the best of him

-Stanley! Don't tick him off! The lectures are coming out from him! He's the Portal!

-Good job on figuring that out. But it won't help you in the slightest since it doesn't change anything. Now, I think you'll like my place. After all, you have something I need.

-You're not the one to decide where we go, weirdo! Now go away before I punch some sense into you!

-I think I didn't make myself clear. You'll go with me. It was never a proposal.

The mysterious man held his hand up in the air. And while his figure was hidden with the antartic wind, one could feel his eerie smile.


Suddenly, The two were engulfed in a bright light and thrown into what could be described as another dimension. Stan could only hear  the screams of his twin brother as his attempts to reach him proved futile. He couldn't lose his brother. Not again, not this time.


Yeah. First time I write a fanfic. Dunno why I thought about this, but I surely don't regret taking it off my chest.

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