He Commeth

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An ear splitting roar pierced the thick silence that previously cloaked Domino. Violet eyes widened as the guardian's head snapped around; looking over his shoulder towards the direction the sound came from. Malik and Ryou stumbled out onto the porch; Ryou shaking like a leaf.

"That didn't sound like any human or creature that I've ever heard," Malik gaped leaning over the railing.

"That's because it wasn't any human or creature we have ever heard," Yugi sighed, "that sound could only mean one thing," Violet locked on Ryou and Malik, "He has come."

"We aren't ready yet! Marik, Bakura, and Yami are still in Hell," milk chocolate orbs widening to the size of saucers.

"We have to do the best we can until they return," Yugi commented dryly, "We do not have any other choice."

"Is there no way to reach them?" Ryou asked turning his gaze to Malik, "How did you contact Marik when he was there?"

"I didn't. He only went to Hell when he had to and he never stayed long," Malik responded, "I can try to enter Hell and track them down."

Ryou arched a silver eyebrow, "Are you sure that is a good idea? We do not know where they are nor how long it will take you to find them which means that Yugi and I will be fighting this ancient god alone until you return with Yami, Bakura, and Marik." The silver haired angel turned to face the tri-colored guardian, "What do you think, Yugi?"

The petite angel furrowed his brows, "It is not a desirable option, but it is the best one. We can lure him away from civilization and keep him distracted until Malik comes back."

Ryou nodded, "Okay. Please be careful, Malik, and for the love of Ra hurry!"

Malik smiled, "I will." The blonde guardian's golden wings opened fully pulling him into the air and towards the gates of Hell. Violet met milk chocolate as both Ryou and Yugi unfolded their wings. They took off towards the inhuman sounds filling the once silent night air.


Lilac  peered over a large boulder towards the gates of Hell. Two muscular demons stood guard outside the large black cast iron gates. Both creatures were tall with an intimidating aura. They had dark grey skin long black talons and black hooves instead of feet. One of the demonic guards had menacingly yellow eyes while the other had blood red eyes that rivaled those of the Prince of Darkness.

/Queue the foreboding music,/ Malic mentally chuckled. /So how am I going to get in without being caught?/ The blonde guardian thought as he picked up a small rock near his feet and examined the smooth tan surface of the heavy object. /I wonder if demons are really as dense as I have heard./ The angel threw the rock as hard as he could off into the distance away from the gate. A clack sound broke the silence as the rock smacked against the other rocks in that area.

The demonic guards glanced at each other before they both went towards the area where the rock landed. Malik chuckled softly to himself, /Predictable./

The angel crept out from behind his boulder and silently scurried through the black cast iron gates. The demons looked around confusion written all over their faces. Malik glanced over his shoulder; a smirk dancing on his tan lips as he crept behind a row of large boulders. He found himself in a large hallway full of rocks and molten lava.

/Son of a bitch! It's hot in here,/ sweat beaded on Malik's tan brow and began to drip down his back. No, hot was not a strong enough term to describe the heat emanating and smouldering throughout Hell. Malik's black leather pants and light purple leather vest were drenched in sweat in a matter of minutes. His blonde hair clung to his wet face and shoulders. He let out an exasperated sigh as he shoved his blonde hair out of his face and wiped the salty liquid from his brow. Not that it did any good. The second he wiped any sweat off of himself, more would appear. The tan angel silently moved forward further into the stone and lava filled hallway; further into the depths of Hell.

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