New Charge

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A/N: Hello all! Welcome to my fanfiction! I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I really wish I did, but I do not. I do not make any money off of my stories, they are purely for enjoyment purposes.


Two figures crouched in the shadows of the night. They were slightly hunched over on the roof of a building watching the figure below walking down the dark seemingly deserted street. A chill fall wind blew rustling through their loose clothing; causing the fabric to dance. One of the figures gazed up into the velvet black night. Clouds blocked the moon and stars from pouring their silver light onto the earth. The only light came from the soft glow of the street lamps. The figure's gaze returned to watch the individual walking below.

"So that is your new charge?" one of the figures whispered pointing at the slim form of a youth walking slowly past the building they were perched on.

The second figure nodded, "Yes. I must protect him at all costs."

"Did they tell you why you need to protect him?"

The figure shook his head, "They did not give me much information about him. They only said it is imperative that he is protected. Supposedly, they will give me more information later. We will see about that."

"You don't think they will?"

"Not exactly. Later to them is much later to anyone else..months, years, decades,...millennia even."

"Oh..looks like your charge may have some trouble coming," the first figure pointed at the dark alley the charge was heading towards. A group of four tall strong teenagers appeared in front of the charge blocking his way.

The guardian tensed watching the scene below them carefully; his eyes locking on the body language of the four newcomers. They surely did not mean well as they approached his charge.

His charge paused; narrowing his eyes at the group in front of him, "Move out of my way please."

"Got any cash on you?" the leader of the gang, a tall burly youth with dark black hair tied back in a ponytale folded his arms.

"No. Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to the likes of you," his charge retorted.

A smile crossed the guardian's face, "He has guts and attitude; you must give him that." The other nodded watching the scene below.

"What did you say?" The leader growled advancing on the youth.

"You heard me or are you to simpleminded to understand what I said?" the youth raised an eyebrow.

"Grab him," the leader growled. One of the gang went to grab the youth. His charge weaved out of his reach and kicked the gang member in the stomach; the man hunched over gasping for breath.

"Aren't you going to help him?" The other asked the guardian.

"He is doing alright for now. If he needs help, I will step in," the guardian shifted on the roof; stretching out one of his legs as he crouched down closer to the roof continuing to watch the scene unfold before him.

"I said grab him! What are you two waiting for?" the gang leader snapped.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me." His charge growled as he dropped his backpack and raised his fists in front of his face as he placed himself into a defensive stance.

"Aww look, he is trying to fight back. Try as you might, your pitiful attempts at defense will not help you," the leader smirked.

The two gang members standing behind the leader dashed forward grabbing the youth capturing his arms. His charge struggled to free himself grunting as he fought their hold. One of them loosened their grip and punched the youth in the temple knocking him out.

Guardian's LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon