Somewhere Safe

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The guardian arrived at Yami's window; his wings flapping silently in the still night. He pushed the window up as he slid his lithe form inside; folding his wings before pulling his upper torso in. He turned back to the glass and silently pulled the window closed.

Yami lay in bed snoring softly in a deep peaceful sleep. The sheet wrapped around his tan legs snaked itself up his torso to cover only half of him. The guardian smiled at his sleeping charge as he approached the side of the bed. He took the sheet and dragged it up Yami's toned figure; his small hands ghosting over Yami's bare stomach and chest as the sheet was raised to cover the youth's full body.

The guardian sat on the window seat. He pulled his legs up to his chest; his violet eyes focused intently on his sleeping charge. A small tear forming in his angelic large violet orbs, /They will not lay one finger on Yami. I will not let them sacrifice him. Hell will freeze over before Yami becomes a sacrifice./ Yugi bit his lip as his eyes ventured over the sleeping features of his charge; gazing at Yami's angular eyes, his strong pointed chin, his narrow nose, and well-toned body. The guardian shivered, /How can any one human be so sexy?/ Yugi's hands rose to cover his face; his pale cheeks glowing pink from embarrassment, /I can't think like that about my charge! Ugh!/ He sighed in frustration. His head fell back against the wall; a sigh escaped from his lips.

Yami shifted in the bed. He turned away from Yugi. Facing the wall, he pulled the blanket with him as he turned and sank back into the unconscious world.

/By the gods, you will not become a sacrifice. I need to get you out of here. They will be coming for you./ Yugi thought gnawing at his lower lip as he mulled over where he could take his charge for him to be safe.

Yugi located Yami's discarded pants and pulled the phone out of his pocket. He dialed the number and rose the phone to his ear, "Hey, can I bring Yami over? I need to get him out of here." Yugi whispered before listening to the English accent talk on the other side of the phone line.

"It did not go well. I will tell you more later, but right now, I need to get Yami somewhere safe. Can I bring him over there?"

"Thank you. Is Bakura home?"

"That is perfectly okay. We may need to bring him in on this little secret too. I have a gut feeling that there is more to this whole situation that the council neglected to tell me."

Yugi nodded turning back towards his sleeping charge, "Yes. We are on our way now...after I wake him up that is. I will see you soon. Thank you again, Ryou."

The petite guardian approached the snoring Egyptian, "Yami?" He placed a hand on the warm tan shoulders. Yami yawned and shifted into a new comfortable position after voicing a low groan.

"Yami, you need to get up," Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's torso pulling him into a seated position. Yami blinked at him with sleep blurred crimson. "Come on, we need to get you out of your apartment," Yugi helped Yami stand and pull on his black leather pants over his boxers.

"But why?" Yami asked through a large yawn.

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