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The violet orbs closed; his eyelashes kissing his alabaster cheeks. Malik and Ryou had gone inside after talking with Yugi. The petite guardian remained seated on the railing; the evening breeze playing in his tri-colored hair. The guardian glanced over his shoulder into the apartment. Ryou had placed a pillow under Yami's head and covered him with a soft brown blanket.

A shifting shadow caught Yugi's attention out of the corner of his eye. He furrowed his eyebrows as he stood on the railing; he squinted into the night trying to make out what could have caught his attention. His eyes fell upon a dark figure lurking in the shadows on the rooftop.

Yugi grunted as he leaped up towards the figure. His wings opened lifting him up to the roof. The figure stepped backwards away from the edge of the rooftop. The violet orbs squinted trying to make out who was standing in the shadows.

"Hmm. BBQ angel anyone? They really charred you good didn't they, Yugi boy!"

"Pegasus!" Yugi growled catapulting himself at the demon lord. Pegasus grabbed Yugi by his biceps; a large grin plastering his features.

"Calm down little one. I am not here to fight or to hurt you," Pegasus chuckled. Yugi squirmed out of the demon lord's grip and shoved Pegasus to the ground. Yugi sat on the demon's stomach; disgust written across his delicate features. Yugi slapped the demon's face leaving a red hand print on the demon's pristine features.

"Why didn't you help save him?! He is your prince! Why did you not help in rescuing him?" Yugi growled raising his hand to strike the demon a second time. Pegasus caught Yugi's hand mid-flight and shoved the petite angel off of him. He rolled on top of Yugi; pinning him to the ground.

"You know as well as I do that I am not able to enter Heaven," Pegasus remarked holding the guardian still.

Yugi kneed the demon in the crotch. A sneer crossed his lips as Pegasus bent over; falling to the side. He winced in pain as he held onto the last little bit of his dignity left within him after laying on the ground clutching his privates.

"Since when have rules stopped you from doing anything, Pegasus?" Yugi pulled himself into a standing position.

The demon lord growled, "I knew you would be able to save him. There was no need for me to help."

Yugi folded his arms over his chest; his violet orbs narrowing at Pegasus. The demon slowly rose to his feet; holding his head high and dusting the dirt off of his jacket. Yugi's wings twitched as pain shot through his petite form. Being shoved onto concrete and pinned down did not help his burnt, ragged, and abused wings in the slightest. The guardian shoved all traces of pain and emotion save disgust from his face and buried them deep within himself.

"Why are you here?" the guardian whispered in a cold clear voice.

"I am here for Yami," Pegasus responded.

"No," the guardian's head tilted upward; a note of finality clinging onto his one word response.

"It is not your choice, Yugi boy. Also, it is in your best interest to let me take him," a smirk playing across the slim lips of the demon lord.

"How do you figure that?" an ebony eyebrow arched in amusement.

"I've decided to help train him. I will help him and Bakura learn how to use their powers," Pegasus responded.

"Why the change of mind?" the guardian asked. Yugi titled his head to the side again as he took a step closer to the demon lord.

"You successfully stopped the sacrifice. The ancient god will be rising any time now. Yami and Bakura will not be able to fully learn their abilities in time if I do not show them and you need them both at their best. I do not know about you, but I do not want to be devoured by that beast," was the simple explanation.

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