Ripped Apart

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Violet orbs narrowed; dark midnight purple smoke snaked its way over to the petite guardian. Yugi flipped to the side away from the oncoming smoke summoned by the demon he fought against. Lightning crackled within the smoke illuminating parts of the dark midnight mass into a brilliant pastel purple. The guardian retaliated by sending a blast of light at the demon. The creature hissed as the light orb struck its shoulder. Grey smoke arose from the singed skin where the orb had collided with flesh.

The guardian leaned forward; his full body tensed; prepared for anything else this demon had in store for him. The angel and the demon side stepped; circling each other in a large tension filled sphere.

Yugi flicked his wrist; his light rope encircled around the demon's throat. The guardian pulled on the rope tightening it; his other hand gripped the rope and gave a harsh tug bringing the demon to its knees. The demon's talons sliced the rope in front of him; freeing him from the clutches of Yugi's rope. A grunt escaped the lips of the angel as his rope disappeared.

The demon stood. His lips parted slightly, a low growl tearing through his chest. A cross bow formed within the demon's strong hands; created from the same midnight purple smoke that was sent after Yugi previously. Crimson eyes locked on his target; raising the crossbow, he fired a large arrow at the guardian.

Yugi's wings gripped at the surrounding air; pulling him up and safely away from the soaring arrow. The petite guardian launched himself at the demon; his surprisingly strong fingers gripping at the demons shoulder as he flipped over the demon. Yugi landed on his feet behind the crimson eyed demon; his vice like grip still on the demon's shoulders. Yugi pulled Yami over his head by his shoulders and threw the demon down in front of him. Yugi growled as he pinned the Prince of Darkness to the ground. Narrowed crimson orbs met narrowed violet.

Yami roughly pushed Yugi off of him; the guardian stumbled backwards which provided the Prince of Darkness enough time to get to his feet. The demon took a page out of the guardian's book; creating a whip made of pure energy. The Prince snapped the whip at Yugi's feet; the petite guardian reacting instantly back flipping away from the object's bite. Yami cracked the whip again; this time the object wrapped around Yugi's pale arm.

A smirk crossed the guardian's lips. A look of surprised etched its way onto the Prince's face as he watched Yugi. The angel winced as he grabbed the black energy whip; the sound of sizzling filled the air as the whip burned the guardian's pale skin. Yugi pulled the whip towards him; throwing Yami off balance. The Prince stumbled forward and was pinned to the ground once again before he could blink. Yugi's left knee pushed into his chest; his right leg stretched out to pin the Prince's arm.

Yami squirmed; trying to push Yugi off of him again using his right hand. Instantly; the guardian wrapped his left hand around Yami's wrist fully capturing the demon beneath him. Yugi's wings spread wide; his right hand held high; a jagged knife formed in the guardian's free hand. He lowered the knife swiftly to the demon's neck and stopped. A small black blood droplet broke through the tanned skin through the nick created by the knife.

The angel smirked leaning down to whisper into the demon's ear, "Victory is mine once again." Yami sighed; allowing his muscles to go limp under the weight of the guardian.

"Bravo! Much better that time, Yami!" Ryou exclaimed while he and Malik clapped excitedly.

"At least Yugi didn't defeat you within 30 seconds that time," Marik chuckled.

Yugi stood and offered his hand to the demon prince. Yami blushed accepting the soft delicate hand offered to him. As Yami stood, he glared at Marik, "So Pegasus won't help teach us our powers at all?"

Marik shook his head, "No. He said he changed you into a demon and that was enough. He also said that you and Bakura have to learn your powers on your own."

Bakura grunted; smoke escaping his pale lips as he flicked the access ash from his cigarette, "That was generous of him." The albino demon stated sarcastically.

"Do not worry, Kura. You and Yami will get the hang of it. You are both already learning so quickly. Don't you think so, Marik?" the albino angel glanced over at the blonde demon who nodded his response.

"Yes, you are both progressing along quite well, but if you want to fight the ancient god, you need to progress even faster than this," Marik commented crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

"What more can we do?" Yami asked wiping the sweat that dripped off of his brow.

"Practice nonstop. One fight after another. Ground fights, aerial fights, hand-to-hand combat, and combat using both weapons and magic," Marik answered.

"That is what we have been doing," snapped Bakura.

"Not enough. You both need a lot more work if you are to be ready for the ancient god," the blonde demon chided.

"Fine. We will do more," Bakura hissed extinguishing his cigarette; his dark chocolate pinning Marik with a glare. 


The guardian stared blankly off into the distance lost in the ocean of his own thoughts. The beating of massive leather wings interrupting his thoughts. He tensed as his violet orbs searched the star dappled night sky for the source of the wings.

"I thought I might find you here," the silky baritone voice interrupted the silence of the night.

Yugi's tensed body relaxed, "How did you know I was here?"

Yami landed next to him on the cold rooftop; a smile gracing the Prince's features, "This is the tallest building in Downtown Domino. It towers over the other skyscrapers; standing tall and proud over the clouds themselves."

The angel nodded, "Yes, it is the best place to go to think."

"Would you mind?" Yami asked pointing to a place on the ground next to where Yugi sat perched on the edge of the skyscraper.

Yugi shook his head, his blond bangs dancing about with the slight movement of his head, "By all means."

The Prince of Darkness lowered himself next to the angel; his crimson eyes glancing out at the sea of buildings below them. A comfortable silence fell over the two for several long minutes.

Yami glanced over at the petite guardian, "How well do you really think I am progressing?"

Yugi smiled, "I cannot speak for how fast you are progressing in regards to normal demon standards; I have no experience in that area. However, as far as combat goes, you are progressing nicely. I actually have to think on my toes throughout our training fights. It is becoming more difficult to defeat you."

A small blush covered the demon's cheeks, "Thank you, Yugi." The guardian nodded before returning his violet gaze to Downtown Domino; the city coming alive with the night light. Yugi did not notice Yami inch his way closer to him; their legs touching as the demon leaned over to whisper, "What are you thinking about now?"

Yugi blushed at their close proximity, "You actually. You may be safe from the demons now, but you are still not safe from the angels. They will want to capture you and use you as a sacrifice even more now that you are not only a demon, but the Prince of Darkness. If they were to successfully do so, they would kill two birds with one stone as the phrase goes." Yugi frowned; his brows furrowed in thought.

"I am no mere human anymore, Yugi. I can help fight them back," Yami's deep voice soothing the guardian. The Prince pulled Yugi into his lap, "I will not give them an easy capture."

Yugi shifted in Yami's lap to face the demon; his cheeks painted bright pink; the night wind tussling his tri-colored hair. Determined violet captured Yami in their grasp, "I will not let them take you."

Yugi's large white and silver wings opened and wrapped possessively around both of them; shielding the two tri-colored look-a-likes from anything and everything. Yami's tan thumb traced Yugi's soft rose petal bottom lip. Yugi's tongue slowly slid out to dampen his desert dry lips; drawing the crimson orbs directly to them.

The blush that tinted both pale and tan cheeks brightened as the distance between the two lessened. The Prince of Darkness closed the distance between the two at a painfully slow rate before Yugi and Yami were violently ripped apart; their lips never fully reaching each other.

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