Locked in a Cell

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The petite guardian felt himself be forcefully removed from Yami's lap and dragged away from his demonic doppelganger. Metal cuffs attached to chains were clicked onto his slim pale wrists. The chains were pulled taunt stretching his arms back as far as they could go. He growled; raising his head to meet the eyes of his captors.

Two council members flanked by guards stood before the fallen angel. The raven haired grey eyed council member named Zachariah and the redheaded council member with green eyes named Uriel stood in front of Yugi. Their arms folded over their chests as they glowered down at the petite guardian. One guard stood on either side of Yugi holding the chains attached to his wrists. The raven haired council member smirked at the petite guardian as a guard pushed him forward onto his knees.

"Why Yugi, you have really fallen hard. Not only have you disobeyed us, but you allowed Yami to become a demon. The Yugi I knew would never have allowed that to happen," Zachariah's long ebony tresses swayed in the night air; his cold grey eyes frowning at the fallen angel.

"You did not give us much choice, Zachariah," Yugi spat.

"You had a choice little one," Zachariah narrowed his grey eyes at Yugi.

"Hmmm...he could either become a demon or stay human and wind up a sacrifice to a moldy ancient god that threatens the apocalypse if he does not get his way..... Both such enticing options for him," Yugi's voice laced with venom and sarcasm lowered to almost a whisper as his violet orbs surveyed the surrounding area. Yami had been knocked out and was surrounded by three guards. Along with the two angels holding the chains attached to his wrists, and the two council members, there were fifteen guards total on the rooftop with him. Yugi bowed his tri-colored head; his brain working furiously to concoct an escape plan.

Yugi bit his lip; his muscles tensed as he rose to his feet. Without warning he swung his right arm towards his left with all of the strength he possessed. The angel holding onto the chain attached to his right wrist collided with the angel holding onto the chain attached to Yuig's left wrist. Grunts of frustration and surprised filled the air.

The petite guardian raised his arm above his head and rapidly swung the chain in circles around his petite form using it as a weapon. The chain collided with several angels before they all backed away from the violet eyed angel. The circle of cold hard metal prevented the guards from approaching the fallen angel. Yugi ceased the circular movement of the chain in favor of creating a large orb of light in his right palm. With a swift glance around he threw the orb into the ground directly in front of him. A blast wave erupted from the shattered orb knocking the angels and council members backwards even further. Yugi spread his wings and rose above the blast.

His violet orbs narrowed; looking down upon the creatures he use to serve, trust, obey, and respect. His wings pumped the crisp night air in a desperate attempt to reach his demonic look-a-like. He felt a hand grasp tightly around his ankle jerking him backwards.

The petite guardian exhaled in frustration. He turned to face the guard that clung to his ankle. His violet eyes locked on the angel as he kicked his leg to shake the guard off. The grip on his ankle tightened with each kick of his leather clad leg. Fed up with the leech of a guard attached to his leg; he kicked the angel in the face splitting the guard's lip.

Yugi turned towards Yami; his wings pulling him closer to the crimson eyed unconscious demon. A moment's hesitation found the violet eyed angel pinned to the concrete on his stomach. A heavy weight perched on his back. He growled; trying to lift himself off the ground with the added weight of Zachariah pinning him down.

"How pathetic! 15 angels sent to bring down one demon and one guardian," Yugi hissed from his position on the ground.

"Silence fallen one!" Zachariah growled; his hot breath caressing the back of Yugi's neck, "We know he is not some common low level demon and we know very well what you are capable of."

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