"You can train him here on the rooftop," Yugi's opened his arms as he indicated the location they were currently standing in.

"Don't be ridiculous, Yugi boy. The best place to train a demon is in hell," Pegasus scoffed.

"When do we leave?"

Pegasus turned; a large smile etching across his features. Yami's tanned figure stood at the edge of the rooftop. His large leather wings folding back down onto his back after his flight. His tail twisting behind him as his crimson eyes narrowed in determination.

"Yami, no," Yugi shook his head a frown pulling the corners of his mouth downward.

"Yes. I need to learn how to use my power if we have any hope of defeating that creature," Yami gave a reassuring smile to the unhappy guardian.

"Count me in!" Bakura landed next to Yami. His wings folding back down as well, "When do we leave, Pegasus?"

Marik, Malik, and Ryou landed on the rooftop shortly after. The guardians all standing together near the center of the rooftop. The demons all standing near Yami at the edge of the rooftop. If one did not know any better, they would have thought the angels and demons were about to have showdown right then and there.

The demon lord turned back to face the guardians, "It looks like the decision has been made."

"Pegasus! If you harm them in any way, I will rip you to shreds," Yugi growled.

A hearty laugh escaped the demon lord, "Such hostility and hatred for an angel?"

"I am fallen. I can and will destroy you in the most painful way possible," Yugi responded. Yami jumped down from the roof ledge; his blood red orbs locked on Yugi's violet. A surprisingly gentle smile crossed the demon's face.

He pulled Yugi into a strong embrace whispering into his ear, "I will be fine. I will learn my powers and return to you as soon as I can."

Yugi glanced down; he struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to break free of the violet pools, "Promise?"

Yami nodded; his smile growing larger, "I promise." Yami closed the distance between them; sealing his dry lips over Yugi's rose petal lips. Violet widened initially before sliding closed. Yugi moaned into the kiss as he melted against the Prince of Darkness. Yugi's arms circled Yami's neck as he stood on his tip toes; deepening the kiss. The demon prince wrapped his arms around Yugi's slim waist, his tail wrapping possessively around Yugi bringing the angel closer to his chest. Yami's tongue ran across Yugi's soft lips; requesting permission to enter. The petite guardian complied allowing the demon full access to his mouth. The Prince of Darkness moaned as he greedily plundered and explored the sweet depths of Yugi's mouth.

"Aww that is so sweet. So sweet I think I need to throw up," Bakura groaned averting his crimson tinted dark brown eyes, "Ow. What did you hit me for, Ryou?"

The silver haired guardian glared at his demonic look-a-like, "Be nice, Kura."

"I am sorry to break up this little kissing fest, but we really must go, Yami. The earlier we go the faster you will learn your powers, the more prepared you will be, and the faster you can return to that little guardian of yours," Pegasus commented clearing his throat.

Yami shot the demon lord a glare as he slowly pulled away from Yugi. The guardian's cheeks were painted pink; his lips plump and slick from their kiss. Yugi panted softly trying to catch his breath after their heated kiss.

Yami rested his forehead against Yugi's, "I will be back as soon as I can." Yugi bit his lip and nodded; wrapping his arms once more around Yami's torso, "Please be careful."

The Prince of Darkness turned to Pegasus, "Let's go."


Yami growled as he fell to his knees. He was beyond exhausted. The amount of energy required to learn and control his powers began taking its toll on the Prince of Darkness.

"Get up!" Pegasus barked.

Bakura helped pull Yami to his feet, whispering into Yami's ear, "Come on; hang in there. We can do this."

Yami blinked; he leaned against Bakura for support. He nodded his head slowly; gathering as much energy as he could in order to stand.

"You are the Prince of Darkness! You have all of the powers of Hell at your command! You have control over fire, an endless supply of shadow magic, and legions of demons at your control! If I would have known the Prince of Darkness was going to be such a pansy, I would have killed you instead just to save you from your misery!" Pegasus growled.

"Pegasus," Marik chided, "Yami and Bakura have been working nonstop for over four days now with hardly any rest. Give them a break."

The demon lord scoffed, "You've gone soft living up there with the humans and your angel, Marik."

The tanned blonde demon grunted, "No. That is not the case. A little bit of logic has weaseled its way into my madness. An exhausted demon is useless. He will not be able to defeat anything in the state he is in now."

"It is okay. I can keep going," Yami grunted pulling away from Bakura to stand on his own. He tossed his head back; his arms flew behind him as fire encircled him. The flames licking at his boots and dancing merrily around him. His head lowered to meet Pegasus' brown eyes directly. A smirk gracing his tan features as he took several steps towards the demon lord; the fire following him; moving forward with each step the Prince of Darkness took.

"Now that is more like it!" Pegasus smirked eyeing the Prince up and down. The flames grew larger with each passing second, "I am glad to see you have full control over your pyrokinesis at least! Good work, Yami."

Pegasus was knocked on his ass by a large black mass. The smoke encircled his ankle and pulled him up; dangling the demon in midair by his ankle. Bakura rested his hand on his hip looking satisfied that his shadow magic had a demon lord suspended in midair.

"You both have come far, but you are not done yet. Put me down Bakura. We still have work to do," Pegasus commanded.

Bakura waved his hand lazily, the black smoke dropped Pegasus on his head, "Oops," the silver haired demon smirked. "Sorry," he chuckled with a shrug of his shoulders.

Pegasus sighed as he returned to his feet, "Let's keep going on your lessons." Bakura and Yami nodded awaiting further instruction.

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