"Let it out."

I did.
I cried.
I sobbed.
I hit him.

Until I crumpled to the ground. He sat down with me, as I sobbed into my arm. "I miss them," I cried.

"I know."

"I hate him."

"He knows."

"I-I hate this place! I hate your people!" I cried as Rowan said nothing. "Why can't he let me leave? Rowan you can help me leave, can you not?" I asked, looking hopeful.

He shook his head. "No." I sighed shakily, and tried to get myself together.

"Everyone hates me. Including those two maids. They talked about me and Chelsea said she handled it. I have no idea what that means," I said while laughing a bit. I looked at Rowan to see realization dawning in his eyes. "What?"

"The blonde and red head?" I nodded.

Rowan smiled.

"They will never be able to talk....period. Chelsea ripped their tongues out."


"Are you finished?"

My eyes found the source of the gruff voice. My cousin stood at the dungeons gate. His hand over his forehead, pressing into his skin.

"No. continue."

Rowan couldn't stomach it. With keen hearing, I could hear the whip being thrown back...before it met with my tender flesh. A strangled snarl left my lips, as the silver lashed  my back. Searing pain shot all over my body. My skin producing patches of fur...trying to shift to the beast. To give me more comfort in my suffering.

The stench of my blood filled the dark and cold cell. I could smell the guards fear. Smell Rowan's anger. "Is...is that all my king?" The soldier asked once again, my hands gripping the silver chains that bounded me to the ground.


"No, put the whip down."

I snarled, throwing my head back to look at my cousin. "If you cannot stomach this leave."

Rowan slammed open the cell. "The soldier cannot even stomach this," Rowan said through gritted teeth. "Can you boy? Answer my question. Answer it!" Rowan shouted.

The soldier leaked himself. I smelt the odd mixture and glared at the man. No, Rowan was right. Boy. "No...I cannot."

"Then you do it Rowan!"

"There is blood everywhere. Haven't you had enough for today?"

The small ounce of anything human...anything King like that I had was being frayed by Rowan. "Unless you have killed the only things in your life that matter to you. Unless you have spilled their blood on the ground. My blood shed right now is nothing to the blood that I have spilt. So, brother, you either make me bleed or leave me to my hell!"

There was silence. The only thing audible, was harsh breathing. Which belonged to myself. I could already feel my body trying to repair itself as I suddenly heard him coming towards me. "She cane to me today....she despises you," he said as he began to release me from my silver chains. "Damn you, Sirus," he snapped as the silver burned his hands.

"That is not a surprise," I said as my thoughts wandered to my miserable wife. She was a jewel...a diamond. Strong and hard. "I consummated our marriage."

Rowan nodded. "I know."

"She told me she wanted me dead," I chuckled bitterly, as my hands picked at the burned flesh of my wrists.

"Now...that is what I call not a surprise."

"If she is with child...do you think she will harm it?" I asked absent mindedly. If she despised me that much...she would kill what we made. It was possible. I had seen women do it to plenty of men who hated them.

Rowan shook his head. "No never. Humans cherish the young. She is not an evil woman cousin. She is a hurting woman. A woman scorned. You are the face of her hate."

Ignoring Rowan's comments I began to put on my shirt. As soon as the fabric touched my skin, I growled out in pain. "Have you seen Chelsea?" Rowan questioned.

I gave him an interested look. "She's going to be gone for the week. She is in her heat. Do you need your clothing washed?" Rowan cut me a dirty glare.

"No. I was just wondering...which male caters to her?"

The child Sarah was his mate. But she was a child and he was a man. He probably needed a female to sate his needs until he could properly mate her. "As far as I know she has none. She takes some herbal mixture. It doesn't work..Fiona had tried it once." I shivered thinking of that time. I had to lock her in her own specific part of the castle and have the female maids watch after her. She was incredibly to persuasive with the male guards.

"Maybe...I will ask her to be her male."  I have been many women's male. It was a man who serviced a woman during her heat. It was a honor. Especially when I was a younger prince. I had my times.

"A maid Rowan."

"Yes, a maid. She is beautiful is she not."

"She is."

"Exactly. I haven't bed a woman in a while...and Chelsea. There is something about her."

"Do whatever you want, Rowan. She is a good maid though, don't break her heart. She is Esmerelda's only friend."

Hey guys! Decided to update today cuz I probably won't do it in a while due to my crazy job and my classes. I feel like I have no time whatsoever and it sucks:(

Anyway thoughts on everything? Rowan? Sirus? Chelsea?

Please vote and or comment. Comments give me life!! Till next time guys;)

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