"You eat. I have things to tend to," he said curtly. "Once you are done a maid will lead you to our chambers."

I nodded...and he left. I silently ate my food. Why was he acting so odd? Had he regretted marrying me? If he has...will he break the marriage and allow Eddie and I to leave? If we go back to our homelands...what shall happen?

The thought of ruling without my parents made me sick. I wanted to take the throne because my parents were tired or maybe to old to rule. Not because of their deaths. That was the worse time to take over. What about my people? Would they accept me? What was stopping them from coming to get me now? Our army was small...but had they betrayed Me? Or have the Lycans just took over. Have they become their leaders.

As I ate in silence, horrible thoughts twisted through my mind. Creeping up and biting me...making the silence unbearable. I had to move around. Do something. Make myself useful or else the silence would kill me.

I ate a bit more of some chocolate cake...then stood up creaking the door open a bit. I saw two maids in the hall...they were speaking. "Yes...I hear she rejected the pack in front of him. He is furious."

"She has no idea what she did. They all hate her," the other said.

"Chelsea seems to be fond of her."

"I do not know why. She is weak...to weak to handle someone like the King. Her scar hasn't even healed from the ceremony!" They both began to laugh.

My throat constricted. I was in a place where everyone hated me. I took a deep breath. A few ones. I refused to show any emotions in front of them. "Excuse me....I am ready," I said revealing myself.

The two straightened up and both smiled at me. "Follow us, your majesty." I felt like hitting both of them...smiling in my face as if they both hadn't just called me names. Insulted me.

I was lead up a long staircase...that lead to a door. They opened it for me...and it was what I expected. A beautiful bedroom with a large bed. Two large closets, a sitting area and of course the bathroom. "Thank you. You two are dismissed."

"Oh we have to bathe you, my Queen. Get you ready for the King," one smiled as she looked over my clothed body.

"That is alright. I can bathe myself."

"We must! A maid must do it. It is tradition!" One exclaimed. "You have to be presented to the King. Bathed and everything."

"Well, since you two house maids insist that I be bathed by a house maid, fetch me Chelsea. If you two have a problem with it I will just inform the King that you have disobeyed the Queen a simple request. That is what I am to you two...isn't it?" I asked as both of them looked at me nervously. "Or am I a spited weak human? I am sure the King would love to hear that."

They both bowed. Not curtsied. Or got on one knee. Their heads were touching the floor. "We are so sorry, Queen Esmerelda! Please do not tell the King!"

"-Yes we are so sorry!" The other agreed.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes well we'll see. Now fetch Chelsea and I do not want to ever see your faces again. Understood?" They both nodded. "Now get up and leave!"

They left. I sat on the floor...rocking back and forth gently. They thought I was weak...I didn't mean to yell, but I had to. I had to show them that I'm not weak. Even though it was a sham. I am weak...compared to these beasts. Both of them probably could have killed me with ease...but I am the Queen. The King would have their heads.

There was a soft knock on the door. "My Queen?"

"Come in," I said standing up, and watched Chelsea rush in. She looked around worriedly as if she was expecting blood on the floor. "Hi."

"You did...well. I have handled the two maids for you," she said as she took me by the hand and lead me into the bathroom.

She began to undress me. "Chelsea you didn't have to," I said as I glanced at the warm steaming bath that awaited me.

"You are the Queen and I serve you. Anyone who ever crosses you is not in my good graces."

I smiled softly. "Thank you Chelsea." I submerged myself in the bath. Sighing. It felt nice. Wonderful even. "Does everyone despise me?"

"No. Some know you are human. They think you misinterpreted everything wrong. Well...that is what Rowan and I are telling people," she laughed as I let lose a laugh too.

Rowan...lying on my part. He seemed like an honest man. Yet he was lying for me. Both of these people I hardly know showing me extreme generosity.

We spent the rest of the bath time, in comfortable silence. When it was time to get out, I insisted on drying myself. "You will look beautiful in this." I turned around to see Chelsea holding up a very sheer and plunging white night gown.

I blushed, shaking my head. "No...we are just sleeping. I do not want the King to get any ideas," I told her as she gave me a confused look.

"My Queen," she said gently. "You have to consummate the marriage. Tonight. It is tradition."

Shaking my head I walked over to her, shivering a bit. "No, he said we would retire for the night."

Chelsea blinked a few times. "Yes...you will retire in the bed chambers where you will consummate the marriage," she finished. "The King just mind linked me...he is coming."

My heart dropped. "Y-you mean he expects us to...but I thought...I thought...he nodded. I asked if we would just sleep and he nodded!" I gulped as she pulled at my towel. "Chelsea!" I snapped.

"H-he is coming!" She said nervously. "Please...I am supposed to prepare you. He will get mad if he walks in and you are not prepared for him!" The fear in her eyes was real. She was my only...friend. I didn't want to get her in trouble.

I slipped into the gown. She had brushed my hair out quickly. I was pretty sure she ripped some hair out...but I was silent. I was terrified. "Y-you will be fine," she smiled. "Everyone of us has to go through it," she said as she quickly bowed and then ran out of the room.

Nervously...I sat on the bed. My hands were wrung together. My heart beat incredibly fast. My stomach hurt.

I heard the door opening...

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter.

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