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Eunwoo's POV
Her house is huge!!! It looks like a palace more then a mansion! That giant water fountain at the front.... Aston martin, Lamborghini, Porch all on displace on the front... Omg i all my dream cars....

When we walked in we was greeted by Hongbin hyung.

Hakyeon's POV
"N hyung" red bean said (hong = red, bin sounds like bean... So red bean...) "Stop calling me N hyung!!! Its Hakyeon now!! N is when we were in VIXX at school! I went by CHA HAKYEON for like 2 years now!!!" We laughed just like old times... Man i miss this idiot havent seen him since we left school. We both got busy with our companies and such. I feel so old but i am only 21... Man! Life sucks...

I was about to say what happen to his sister but he already saw her when Moonbin carried her in.

Hongbin's POV
I was about to say something to hyung but i saw my sister in the hands of this stranger... Asleep? " What happen? Who are you? What did you do to her? Where is Jungkook when clearly she needs him now?" I said in my angry voice and i took her away from his hands. "Explain after i put her in her room. Hyung, Eunwoo can u bring him to the living room?" Then i left... "My Hyemin what happen to you? Are you okay? Who did this to u?" I gently laid her in bed and place the blanket over her shoulders... Then i headed down stairs.

When i was downstairs that stranger came up to me and said "I am sorry for what happen to Hyemin... If only i could of gone in earlier she wouldnt have to go through this..."

Moonbin's POV
"I am sorry for what happen to Hyemin... If only i could of gone in earlier she wouldnt have to go through this shit. I was following her after school since Eunwoo and Rocky left me to go some where and i didnt want to go home by myself so i was hoping to walk Hyemin home. I saw her walking to...." So i told him what happen to Hyemin. And he stood up and screamed " That son of a bitch!!! Its okay Moonbin... Its wasnt your fault... Thanks for saving my sister.... I am the one to blame to think that jungkook was a nice guy for her to date." He hugged me and said "Bin-ah, since you saved my sister your part of the family now. Come over whenever you want. I own u a big one. Its too big for me to repay you..." "Hyung! Thanks..."

Eunwoo's POV
"Can me and Moobin go check on hyemin?" "Sure, since i have business to talk to hyung. To be honest i think your parents should have gave the company to you rather then this idiot... Look at him! He is sitting there like a piece of coal that doesnt know his surrounding is on fire." I chuckled at Hongbin hyung's and hyungs reaction was price less. "What did your just say? U-u-u art sculpture!!" Wow hyung that payback was shit....

We slowly sneaked away from the immature hyungs and left to find hyemin...

The story between usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن