I promise Part Two

Start bij het begin

'Oh would you stop being such a baby. Besides it's one of my last night's here, I wanted to see you.' he spoke in a hushed tone, sitting cross legged in front of me. We sat on my balcony, watching as the stars twinkled in the sky.

'Are you gonna miss me?' I asked innocently, not taking my eyes off the stars. He sighed, 'I'm gonna miss you so much, (y/n).' I turned my head to look at him, a smile finding its way to my face. 'Good, I'm going to miss you too'

He smiled back at me and laid down on his back, so I followed after him, doing the same. 'My parents say that I should only be gone a few years, then I can return home. So I can see you' Ben said, looking over at me with that familiar sparkle in his brown eyes. 'If you're not home in three years I'm coming after you Ben Solo' I said, jokingly. 'You better' he whispered back laughing lightly.

I smiled at the memory, tears filling my eyes once again. Why can't things go back to how they used to be? Why can't things be easy? The sky outside had darkened, the stars coming out to greet us. I sighed standing to my feet and changing out of my dress into a small baby doll nightgown. I walked onto my balcony, looking out in the distance. Kylos ship was parked near the trees, so I could see his ship perfectly. It was black, not hard to miss in a sea of pink cherry blossom trees. I stared at the ship for a good 10 minutes before walking back inside, shutting the balcony doors and locking them. I climbed into bed, pulling the covers over my body. The events of today overwhelmed me to say the least and soon I was drifting off into a deep sleep.

Kylo's P.O.V

Seeing her again made my heart race, I could tell she was happy to see me at first but after I revealed why I was really here she was hurt. I could sense it and see it in her big blue eyes. The way she looked at me after I had spoken those words I wanted to immediately take them back but I knew what had to be done. And if she doesn't decide to be on my side, I have to kill her. Something I don't even know if I'll be able to do. She makes things so much harder for me, she's the only one who makes me light again and that scares me. Where there is light, there is weakness and I cannot let her be my weakness. She will not be my weakness.

~Next Day~

(Y/N) P.O.V

I awoke with a sudden jolt, I can sense someone in my home. Eve rushed in my room a look of worry on her face.

"He's in our kitchen! Cooking!" She said, hurriedly. I quickly put up the assumption that it was Kylo she was talking about. I sighed, relieved that it was just him. I shoved my head back into my pillow, "It's okay, Eve. He won't harm you, just carry on with your chores" I mumbled, trying to wake myself up. "Yes ma'am" she whispered before walking out and shutting my door behind her. I lifted my head from my pillow and sniffed the air, it smelt like it use to when I was younger. When my mom would make me pancakes every morning just because she wanted too. I smiled, and pushed myself out of bed and to my closet. I roamed the hangers of dresses, looking through all of them until I came into contact with one particular dress. I grabbed it off the hanger and put it on, running my fingers over the fabric bringing memories of that night back to my mind.

The air was warm, and a small breeze was blowing through. My hair whipped around and my dress flowed out. The music was loud but from my balcony it was fainter. I stood, over looking the trees and beautiful sunset. Watching, intently. It had been 3 years sense he had left, it was time for him to come home. Any day now he should be back. A small smile formed on my lips at the thought of his return. I would run into his arms and he would pick me up, slightly spinning me around in a tight hug.

A small movement by one of the trees caught my eye, I tried to get a better look but from up here you couldn't really tell the difference. Then something peeked around the corner and I could have sworn I saw black hair. My eyes lite up and I quickly ran past the party downstairs and outside into the garden. Holding my dress up so I wouldn't fall.

'Ben!' I yelled, hoping he would pop out from behind a tree laughing. But he never did, instead a few days later I found out he had joined the First Order, he had become Kylo Ren.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and walked to the bathroom. I quickly fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my tiara from its case and put it on my head, then walked down the stairs to the kitchen where the smell got even closer and more delicious. My mouth watered as I rounded the corner into the kitchen, no one was there though. There was a plate on the counter still steaming because it was obviously hot and fresh and a note next to it.

(Y/N), meet me out in the garden at 7


I grabbed it and sighed throwing it to the side but not stopping myself from eating the delicious smelling food in front of me.

Finally it's almost 7, I've been sitting around doing nothing all day waiting for 7 o'clock to roll around. I headed out to the garden, walking through the maze of multiple different colored flowers. My home is beautiful, my planet is beautiful and to think that Ben would be willing to destroy it sends a pang in my heart because along with destroying this place is destroying our tree, our memories and me.

I bit my lip, bringing it in between my teeth, concentrating on trying to figure out a way out of this. A branch cracked behind me and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was but I did anyways. My dress swayed in the wind and my blue eyes looked up to be met with his brown eyes. Something I wasn't use too, considering this was the first time he had taken his helmet off for me. It seemed I got trapped in his gaze because neither of us said anything just stared at each other, enjoying the moment. He looked so much older, but still looked the same. The only difference is his eyes, yes they are still brown but they hold so much regret, pain and anger that it makes me sad.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, leaning up against the tree. He nodded, "You can ask me anything.."

"That night during the summer, was that you that was in the garden?"

"Yeah it was." He responded, looking away and off into the distance.

"Why didn't you come see me? I missed you. I was hoping that you would come home and that you would keep your promise." I said, confused but mostly hurt.

"Because I couldn't face you, I had already made up my mind about the First Order and I knew if I would have come back to you I wouldn't have been able to go through with it. So I came by here to check up on you, see how you were. I didn't mean to get so close but I did and when you saw me it scared me so I took off and never came back. And I did keep my promise, I'm here aren't I?" He asked, looking back at me.

"No you didn't keep your promise, I wanted you to come home to me as soon as you could have. Not 8 years later after you've murdered innocent people, after you've caused so much chaos in the galaxy. Ben I could have helped you." I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"My name's not Ben, (y/n)." He said, diverting his eyes from me once again. Anger rose within me, he couldn't even look at me. It should be the other way around but yet here I am crying over him because he left me.

"You don't get to not look at me! I'm standing here pouring my heart out to you because I missed you when you couldn't give a damn about me! I loved you!" I yelled, tears pouring down my cheeks. "Y-you don't get to come home and tell me that you're going to k-kill me like I don't matter at all. Because at one point I was your everything..." I whispered, wiping my cheeks and stomping off. I didn't even bother to see his reaction, because he broke me. I'm broken.

Soooo I never intended to make this imagine so long but I'm going to make a part 3 to this most likely because I kind of want some closure to this one. And I figured that you guys would too. So yeah look forward to a part 3 and sorry this one is so long! Whoops, love you guys!!

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