Chapter 5

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Chloe's POV

It was the day of the competition and I wasn’t the least bit worried, probably because I had bigger things to worry about, like Paige, Kelly and Josh. Paige hadn’t spoke to me since I told her we couldn’t hang out on Sunday. I know I hurt her, but being near the Hyland house was not what I needed right now. Just like Paige, Kelly was trying to avoid me to. Every time she came near me though I would get chills. Kelly is prone to having meltdowns at least once a year and I did not want to be the cause of another one. Even just looking at her could set her off. Then there was Josh. I don’t understand how something so simple could be so confusing for me. He’s my best friend’s brother and he’s a gigantic flirt who probably didn’t like me that much anyways, but when I saw him at the studio and Paige told me what was going on with him I just wanted to talk to him. However, I can’t talk to him because I don’t want him thinking that I like him because I can’t let Josh Hyland enter my love life or any part of my life, for that matter. So, no, I was not worried about remembering my solo or going against Candy Apples. I was worried about the Hylands, who were nowhere to be found on our bus ride to the competition.

“Kelly’s isn’t answering my calls and Paige isn’t returning any of Maddie’s texts.” exclaimed Melissa, to a furious Abby.

“Figures Kelly would screw me over. I just thought Paige knew better.” Abby mumbled. She then turned to me and said, “Chloe, if Paige doesn’t show up you’re doing the duet with Maddie. You brought the costume right?” I nodded my head then pressed my head against the window and attempted to escape from the drama right now. Usually, I would become flustered because I only had less than 2 days of practice for the trio that soon turned into a duet. I was completely unprepared and would probably forget parts of it, but I still had bigger concerns. I was surprised that my mom hadn’t said anything to Abby about the duet I might have to preform, but when I turned towards her seat I saw that she dozed off next to Jill. I guess with no Kelly she could relax.

When we reached the green room to the competition we were greeted by none other then Cathy, and her rotten apples.

“I haven’t seen all of you in awhile! Kendall, are you getting taller or is Jill just getting shorter? And Abby you actually look skinnier thanks to Christi standing next to you! Nope, just kidding you can’t look skinny. Where’s Kelly? Did you let go of her dog leash again, Abby?” Cathy cackled. The entire team just rolled their eyes while Abby threatened to call security if they didn’t leave our green room.

Once they left Maddie and I started preparing for our solos. I could already tell this wouldn’t be my best performance. I just wasn’t focused, but I just needed to be good enough to beat whoever Cathy flew in. We arrived late to the competition, because we waited an hour for Kelly, so Maddie and me were rushing through hair and makeup. Maddie already had her hair in a French Twist and her sparkly pink two-piece costume on when she was running through her dance with Abby. I, on the other hand was still shimmying into my pale blue butterfly style dress while my mom was trying to pull half of my hair back and tie it with a matching ribbon.

“Chloe, you need to pick up the pace or else your not going to be able to run your solo with Abby.” my mom whispered into my ear. I grabbed my mascara and started swiping my small lashes with the wand, while my mom finished up with my hair.

“Abby, they’re on in 5 minutes we better get out there!” Melissa exclaimed frantically, while opening the door and motioning us all into the hall. I could hear my mom sigh, but I wasn’t panicked. Maddie was on right before me, so I could stretch during her number.

When we reached backstage I asked Maddie, “ Do you mind if I stretch during your number? I want to see it and everything, but I need to warm up.“

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