"Because," she said a little too fast for his taste.

    "That is not an answer," he responded.

    "To me it is," she crossed her arms, still not looking at him.

    He grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn around but she did not budge, "Why won't you tell me?"

    She turned around really quickly , her arms slipping from his grasp and practically yelled, "Because I love you!" she shrieked, her face going into a mixture of shock and relief.

    "What?" his grey eyes widened and he watched in horror as she collapsed against the trunk of the tree, her eyes blinking rapidly. Those four words seemed to take so much energy out of her. He fell to his knees before her, "Hermione?"

    "I'm fine," she pushed him away and got up on shaky hands, Draco following behind her, "Now, I must go and so do you. If anyone ever-."

    Draco placed a finger on her plump lips, silencing her, "Neither of us are going anywhere till you explain why you love me."

    "Well, you're not getting an answer till you say something about it," she glanced at him not wanting to look into those sparkling eyes of his, "Because I don't just go around saying 'I love you' to just anyone."

    Draco smiled, "I might have fallen in love with you also," he responded

    "I fell in love with everything about you," Hermione smiled and looked back at him, her face shiny with sweat, "Don't you think it is odd to have fallen in love in a day?"

    Draco shrugged, "I don't care," and he stepped toward her, a hand stretched out, "Come away with me. Come away with me, Hermione. I can protect you down in the Underworld. You never have to come back here again. Just come away with me, Hermione."

    Hermione looked down at his hand and she reached out with her own. She cupped his, folding it in back upon itself, "I wish I could, Draco," he smiled at the way his name sounded on her lips, "I would have taken your offer in a heartbeat but I cannot risk war upon you or my Uncle and all who are loyal to him and you. I refuse to be the cause."

    "You do have so little faith in me," Draco chuckled and his face turned to a more serious one, "I will tell you again, Hermione, I can protect you. The other gods will never be able find us."

    Hermione shook her head, "No matter what you do, Draco, Harry will find you and destroy you. He loves his things and will protect them," she said sourly but Draco seemed to ignore her.

    Draco reached forward and grabbed her waist pulling her up against him, "I will no longer fight with you, my love," he purred in her ear, "You will eventually have to come with me. The sickness is affecting you already."

    "What sickness?" she said, her hands braced on his chest so she would not faint.

    "It comes with eating the fruit of the Underworld," he said as he looked into her eyes, "When you eat the fruit, you will have to stay in the Underworld. I own you, now."

    Hermione smiled up at him liking the way that he made her sound like his possession. Only he could make her feel this way though Harry had several times said she was his, "That's it. That's why I'm all hot. Isn't it?"

    Draco nodded, "I will leave you here and you can go to Harry and fulfill your side of the bargain since I cannot stop you, but before you do can I have a kiss?"

    Hermione nodded without second thought. Her hands reached for his face where she cradled it in her hands. Draco rested one hand on her hip and the other on the curve of her neck. They both watched the other as they leaned closer to each other and then in sync, their eyes fluttered shut. Their lips were like a whisper on the other until Hermione weaved her fingers through his silky blonde locks bringing them into a passionate kiss. Soft purring sounds could be heard from both as they kissed; both acting like they never were kissed before. Hermione, the goddess of spring time, decided then that her first kiss would not be the one that her Uncle Harry had stolen so carelessly from her, but the one she was sharing right now with Draco, the god of the dead and her only love.

ͼͽͼͽ ͼͽͼͽ ͼͽͼͽ ͼͽͼͽ

    Draco weaved his hands into her soft brown hair, angling her head with his. Draco took it slow though knowing she had very little experience and he gently started to nibble and suck on her lips which brought out the most delicious noise from deep within her. He could feel ever single piece of her curvy body up against his own and he was never so sure about someone in his life. This goddess before him was his soul mate and the owner of the blood that Hecate was talking about. Hecate, meanwhile, was lounging on a beach somewhere cackling like a crow as she felt Draco's sudden realization of his soul mate.

    "The old fool got it," she crackled to herself.

    Hermione, meanwhile, moaned as Draco sucked on her bottom lip. He soon released the delicious plump flesh and his tongue surged forward inside of her mouth tracing the small opening her mouth provided. Hermione's fingers tangled themselves farther into his hair and she yanked him forward even more closer to her.

    "I wish you were inside me," she whispered in between the fusion of their lips. Draco seemed to awaken something inside her, a darker and more real side of her.

    "I wish I could take you," he said back to her.

    Hermione trailed kisses along his strong jaw line to the shell of his ear, "Then take me."

    Draco growled, the possessive animal inside of him was finally unleashed, "Come with me."

    Hermione looked up into his eyes, "But-."

    "Hermione, please," Draco begged much more urgently as he leaned his forehead against hers and Hermione sighed. The sound of him begging, wanting her, made her rethink her decision.

    "Yes, alright," and just as Draco was about to celebrate, Hermione went and interrupted him, "But, I need to get some of my things. I am not going to be walking around naked or in outfits which I have no idea where they have been."

    Draco smirked, "I would not mind if you walked around naked."

    Hermione blushed deep red, "Draco!" she gently slapped his arm, "Can you let me go so I can go get packed?"

    "Okay, okay, okay," Draco said and reluctantly pulled away from her, "But hurry up my little pet," he whispered to her in a deep voice full of promises and lust.

    Hermione blushed even deeper, her cheeks resembling the pomegranate she had eaten, "Alright," and Hermione sprinted away, a smile upon her face. Draco watched as she ran away and for the first time in his life he felt happy and that everything was going to be okay. But like any story, he knew this would not last forever.

One Bite ✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now