The King sighed, slouching back in his seat. "Arthur's heat was late, so we called the doctor to see what was wrong. He hasn't been sick and we stopped trying for kids a while back. We found out that he is barren. Arthur can't have children."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Tino reached across the table and placed his hand on top of the King's. "I didn't mean to upset you. I hope Arthur gets well soon, though."

Alfred tried a smile and nodded. "Thanks, Tino. The soup was great." He stood and whipped off his mouth with a napkin. He took the dishes to the sink and gave the two a hug. "I'll visit you when I can. Promise. But now I gotta go be the King and make sure everything is running smoothly in the markets here in Rosewood." Tino smiled and waved him off as Berwald came inside their house.


Alfred sighed, climbing into the carriage. His feet ached and his back felt stiff. He walked from booth to booth and every building to make sure business ran smoothly.

Everything in Rosewood ran perfectly just as it always had.

The King stared out the window at the sunset painting the sky all kinda off different, beautiful, vibrant colors. He smiled softly, studying the sight, carving it into his memory to tell Arthur about it when he returned to the castle and into Arthur's arms.


"Yao!" Alfred grinned as his Jack opened the carriage door for him. "Get a canvas and paints ready! I'd like to paint something for Arthur."

Yao tilted his head at the odd request, but smiled. "Of course, Alfred. I'll have one set up in the office room immediately. Queen Arthur is in his room. I believe he is still sleeping."

Alfred pat Yao on the shoulder. "Good Jack! I'll see ya soon!" Alfred rushed up the steps, leaving Yao behind in a slight fluster.

"I'm not a dog!" He yelped, straightening out his clothing before hurrying after Alfred. "And please do wait until you are out of public sights to show so much enthusiasm!"

However, the King snickered at his Jack as he tossed open the heavy doors. "Why don't you try to show some enthusiasm!? Gee, you're such an old man!"

"H-hey!" Yao sputtered as he dashed inside after Alfred. "I am not old! I've just been Jack way longer than you have been King and longer than Arthur's been Queen! I know more than you, but I certainly am not old enough to be registered as 'old!' Learn some manners!"

Alfred laughed loudly, speeding down hallways and leaping up stairs. "I did! I just prefer not to use them!" He turns his head and looks over his shoulder to stick his tongue out at Yao.

The brunette shrieks indignantly. "Why, I never! Alfred Foster Jones, you better calm down this instant! What in the name of the sweet Gods got you so terribly energetic!?"

Again, Alfred laughed. "A sunset! Now that canvas! I wanna get that present for Arthur done as soon as possible!"

"'Present'!?" Yao repeated, attempting to catch up. "What do you mean? What are you celebrating? It is certainly not his birthday! That was months ago!"

The King turned and grinned with a tilt of his head. "What, you can't give someone a present just because you love them and want them happy?"

Yao stopped an caught his breath. "I suppose... Nothing is wrong with that. But why are you so worked up about it?"

Alfred chuckled, patting the beta's head. "Because I was up all night thinking about it. Now that canvas, if you would?"

The Jack blinked, then nodded. "Of course. As I said, it'll be in your office when you're ready for it."

Another USUK story:: My Farmer Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن