Chapter 23

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Finn POV

It's been a couple days since Rey's padawan came to the resistance base. Rey would get up early and come back around dusk to train her. She seems to have a lot of belief in this girl but I am more than a little suspicious.

I am currently walking to the control room. Leia called me down there. Since the First Order was destroyed, the Resistance is trying to make a new government for the galaxy. There are currently no wars going on.

I've only been trained for one thing, war. I feel useless without a battle. It's like the world has no use for me. I know Rey would say otherwise but I feel so lost without the thing I've trained for my whole entire life.

My thought train was stopped short when I made it to the control room. I walked in and went to my usually spot, that's when Leia started to speak. "I have good news. The New Republic was formed last night", she says first.

An eruption of cheers and applause respond to her statement. I could even find myself give a little cheer too. "They also want the Resistance to be the peacekeepers of the Galaxy", she adds. I froze.

This would mean I would be in battles. I can finally put myself to use. "The last thing I have to say is that the Senate wants to make a ceremony to three special soldiers that helped shut down the First Order", she says.

"Who", someone asks. "Poe Dameron, Finn Calrissian and Rey Skywalker", Leia says. Someone pats me on the back and I got a bunch of 'congrats'. "Where and when should I go?", I ask Leia after everyone clears out.

"Old Jedi temple, Corusant. 2 days.", Leia says and walks out of the room. I stood there dumbfounded by the chain of events. The thing that I've trained for all my life is coming back and I'm getting an award for it.

Rey and her family would probably scold me for being excited for this but like I said I've trained my whole life for battles. Luke probably won't be pleased with his daughter being with a ex-stormtrooper looking for a fight.

I then realize that I can't stay in here forever so I walk out and towards the hangar.
I have to schedule a shuttle for Rey and me. Even though Rey would want to take the Falcon we have to be formal.

I get to the hangar and see the same sergeant that is there every time. "Hello, Sergeant, I need to schedule a shuttle", I say walking up to him. "Of course, General, follow me", he says with a straight face. I follow him to an office, probably his.

He sits at a computer and pulls something up. "What time, sir?", the sergeant asks. "Tomorrow morning", I answer. "And what shuttle type, sir", he asks looking up at me. "The fastest one with a quarters, no pilot needed", I answer with a smile.

He types some words then gets up. "All done, sir", he says. "Thank you...uhh...what's your name by the way?", I ask. This man has done so much for me, I want to at least know his name. He looks shocked by my question.

"Jase, Sergeant Jase Korien", he answers. "Well, nice to meet you, Jase. You've done a lot for me, I'll put in a good word with the Head General for you", I say and give him my hand to shake. He looks at it then grabs it and gives a firm shake.

"Thank you so much General", he says with a smile. "Call me Finn", I say with a smile. "Thank you General Finn", he says and salutes me. I salute him back and walk out of the room. It's nice to make a new friend once in awhile.


I waited by the Falcon for Sam like usual. She has been doing good with her training but only the physical aspects. Her emotional aspect has to get in check. I can still feel the fear and insecurity flowing off her.

She shows up. I give her a smile and she gives me a small one back. "So Master Rey, what are we doing today?", she says. "Follow me", I say and walk into the woods. I remember the lake here on Takodana.

She follows me with a questionable look on her face. We finally get to the lake and I gaze out to it. "What does this lake make you feel", I say more as a statement. "Calm, serene", she answers. "Good", I reply and sit down.

She sits down next to me. "No running, or handstands today master?", she asks. "No, we are going to meditate", I say. She sighs. "No offense Master but that's boring", she says . "But to become a Jedi you must overcome yourself", I start.

"Meditation helps you do that", I add. "Okay Master. Sorry Master", she apologizes. "That's okay. Close your eyes and let the force surround you. Be one with the force", I instruct her. She does as I say and I do the same.

"Wait! Come back", a little girls screams. I walk up to her. The little girl is me being held back by Unkar Plutt. I turn around to see my parents' shuttle fly away. The little girl is in hysterics. "You forgot me!", she yells, I yell.

I immediately come out of the trance. That memory has been haunting my meditation. Even though my parents are with me that memory still hurts. My apprentice stirs awake. "Woah", she whispers amazed. "I know", I say back in the same manner.

I get up and walk towards the base, indicating that training is down for the day. I finally get to the base and walk towards my room. I'm exhausted from the flashback and just want to go to bed.

I get to my room and let myself in. Finn is in the bedroom packing stuff in a bag. "Oh good your here. I didn't know how to pack for you", he says in relief. I'm still confused on why he's packing.

"Finn, where are you going", I ask a little hysterical. "Oh I forgot you didn't know", he says with a chuckle. "Don't know what?", I ask. To be honest I've had a long day and really just couldn't deal with this right now.

"The new Republic has been formed. The Senate want to make the Resistance the official peacekeepers. They also want to have a ceremony for you, me, and Poe for all our work on destroying the First Order", he explains then goes back to packing.

"When, where?", I ask getting excited to see a new planet. "Corusant in two day. We are leaving tomorrow morning so get packing", he says and rolls his eyes. "Awesome", I squeal out and pack all of my things. Then a thought pops up.

"What about Sam?", I ask. "Don't worry Leia had that all covered", Finn says. "Okay good...done", I finally say and plop myself down on the bed. "Tired?", he asks.
"Yeah", I reply. "Get some rest, we've got a big day tomorrow", he says.

I sit up and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss. After a few moments we pull away. "I love you", he says. "I know", I reply and chuckle. I then get under the covers and so does he. "Good night Finn", I say dreamily.

"Good night Master Rey", he says. I smile when I here those words. There seemed to be no more problems in the world at that moment.


That Jedi is foolish. I have a hard time calling her master. I'm only loyal to my true master, the Last Knight of Ren. She has grown weaker over time. Soon she will die.
I then get a message at the computer.

Sam, there is a Senate ceremony on Corusant.
A shuttle will bring your there in two days.
Safe travels,

I will kill the Jedi at the Senate....

This plan will most certainly work.

How was that?

Sorry the chapter was short but the next one will be exciting.

Next chapter the ceremony, maybe?

Hope to upset soon!

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