Chapter 4

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3 weeks later


I wake up expecting to see Finn on the couch in the corner, but to my surprise he isn't. Ever since the first night we stayed Finn has slept in my room. Before I shout his name he walks in with breakfast...?

"I know you worked hard practicing the force yesterday. I decided you needed to relax so I made you breakfast." I smile

He is so sweet...

"Thank you, Finn, what would I do without you."

"Well, I don't know about you but I would be a wreck", he responds. He hands me the tray and I see what he made.

My mouth started to water. He chuckles at my reaction. I reach for the fork and gobble my food down.

"Slow down, Rey, you don't want to get sick", he said sternly He takes the tray away and puts it on the little table in the corner.

"Well", I say rolling on top of him, "We have a week left till we have to go, what you want to do", whispering in his ear. I pull back and look into his eyes, they are black. He stares at me until I make a move. We start to kiss.

We haven't kissed since that day on the Falcon. Finn, always waited till I was ready.
We then gain access to each other's mouths. I realize we are having a full on make out session, but I don't care. He rolls over so he is on top, never breaking the kiss. After a few moments we hear the beep of a comm.

Finn pulls back first, both of us panting. He then answers the comm and a little hologram of Leia appears.

"Finn, I hope you are having a good vacation but...", she trails off looking at us with a look of shock on her face and raises an eyebrow, "any way, we found out Kylo Ren survived. He has plans to attack us all. We are relocating to Endor, please meet us there."

"Yes, General, thank you", Finn says with tone I've never seen him use. "Thank you Finn."

I look into his eyes usually they looked soft, but know the are as hard as a rock. He get off me and packs his bag, which I also do. He walks out of the room towards the Falcon. The walk is in silence till we get on board.

"That damn Kylo Ren", he yelled,"the stupid First Order ruins everything." Then he becomes quiet then mutters words I should probably not hear," and to think that I was going to ask Rey to marry me."

My heart speeds up. He wants to marry me, but we've only been together for a short while. No doubt I love him with every bone in my body. Maybe marriage would be good for us.

I race to the cockpit and sit in my seat. Finn walks in and sits down. We take the ship into orbit and go into the seating area. After a few moments of silence he spoke, "I am sorry, Rey, I know you need a break but the alliance needs us." Then his eyes turn cold, "I wish the damn Kylo Ren was dead so he would stop ruining my life", then a little quieter,"and yours."

"It is not his fault. It's Snoke's. He lured Ren to the dark side and created the first order. So it is not just the apprentice's fault, it is the master's." Finn nodded and took my hands.

"You're are right", he said then put his arms around me and held me. I finally witnessed what the war did to Finn, and I hate what it did. It destroyed his sense of good in the world and before I could stop myself I told him, "I hate what the war did to you, Finn, I can see it. It makes your eyes harden and makes you cold. I'm sorry to say it but it's true."

He looks into my eyes, and I wonder what's going on inside his head. Then I realize I can and used the force to read his thoughts.

She's right. I have been bitter since the general spoke to me. She doesn't deserve another pain, she deserves someone who can hold and speak nice words of comfort not anger. I vow from now on not to be the cold one anymore. But she probably hates me now I was such an ass oh, she probably doesn't love me...

I cut his thought off by leaning in and kissing him. No, not a soft a kiss, a passionate one . I put all my strength into that kiss. He soon started to kiss back. I pulled back and looked into his eyes.

"I will always love you no matter what happens."

He looks confused, then it clicks. His eyes grow soft and then he pouts playfully.

"You Jedi and your tricks." I laugh and after a awhile he laughs too.

"Even though you read my thoughts I am deeply sorry", he states.

"Don't be sorry it is the war's fault not yours", I reply. He then lays down on the couch and pulls me down on top of him so I'm face to face with him. He kisses my nose making me giggle. Then after awhile of staring into his eyes I snuggle into his chest. Before long we both fall asleep.

Kylo Ren POV


Excruciating pain was all I felt.

The medics didn't think to give me pain killers while they make my new arm. Snoke specifically told them what to do. When they were done I looked into the mirror. What I saw horrified me, they didnt think to put on fake skin, like my uncles. I truly looked hideous.

I stormed out of the room. Anger rising to new heights. I then saw troopers.

They are looking at you...

Rage filled me as a took out my light saber and cut through them.

"Clean this mess up", I growl. Quickly I go to my quarters and sit down.

It's all the Scavenger's fault...

I will get my revenge, but how?...

She had a boy with her...

It all clicked. A plan then started to form.

"Yes", I say chuckling, I will have my revenge.

How was that?

Sorry it was short, I have been very busy.

Hope to update soon

Next chapter Finn gets jealous of Poe, maybe?

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