Chapter 5

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Finn POV

I will make it up to her...

I wake up to find Rey on top of me. I chuckle and whisper her name. She slowly wakes up and smiles.

"Rey, we are near orbit, we have to get to the cockpit." It takes a few moments for the words to sink in then she jumps up and bolts to the cockpit.

I quickly follow her and sit down.

"Prepare for landing", she says. We land the ship at the rebel base and get out. That's when I see Poe walking towards us.

"Who is he?" , she asks.

"That's Poe, he is a friend of mine", I reply. He waves to me but then when he sees Rey, he smiles at her.

Don't you dare Poe...

I look at Rey, and to my disbelief she smiles back.

"Well, Finn, you found the legendary Rey. How do you do?", he bends down and kisses her hand. I grit my teeth,

"Poe don't you have work to do?"

He smirks, "No, I thought I would show Rey around the base. If that's fine with her." She nods happily.
I can't believe it.

"Also, Finn, the General wants you." I reply with an ok.

"Shall we Rey", Poe said offering his arm.

"Of course", Rey replies taking his arm. My jaw almost went to the floor. How could Poe do this to me? I then remembered my duty and went to General Organa, still with my bag in my hand. After a brief hello and me learning my new duties I left. I went towards my room to unpack. I then saw a note on the nightstand.

Finn, the general wants you to train all week.
Meet me in the gym, maybe we could train together.

Poe.....Poe is a friend he was probably being polite to Rey.

I agreed with myself and headed to the gym. Poe seemed have just gotten there.

"Hey Finn, the general told me she needed you to do hand to hand combat for an hour a day."

"Ok, me against you?", I ask.

"Of course." We put on our boxing gloves and step into the ring. After a while of warming up Poe talks.

"You know, that Rey girl is really something isn't she?"

"Yes she is", I say angrily, He has gotten on my last nerve.

"Wait, are you guys dating, cause if you are I'll back off", he says truthfully.

Are we dating? We have confessed our love or was that attraction?

"I don't know" I reply.
"Well in that case then, I really like her", Poe said at last. That's when I got angry and threw the first punch.
After boxing I said I needed to rest, and Poe agreed. As I was walking to my room I heard Poe and Rey in the break room.

"So Rey I was wondering if you like to go....on a date with me?", Poe squeaked out. I was beyond upset, but then I realized,

What if she says yes?

I was nervous and angry at the same time, then I heard,"Poe I really like you as a friend, but there is someone else I love." I was jumping up and down till I heard,"And Finn I could sense you from a mile away get in here."

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