Chapter 8

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Finn POV

We finally got to Naboo around dusk and landed on the landing pad. The house looked the same as it did when we were last here. Rey ran towards the court yard to look at the waterfalls. I walked toward the rail she was leaning on. A smile was spread across her face as she stared at the water.

I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face in her neck. "I want to stay here with you forever", she says still looking at the water. I was surprised at her comment. "You want a future with me?", I question. "Without you I don't want a future at all", she responds now looking into my eyes.

I wave of happiness overcame me. "Woohoo!", I shout picking her up and spinning her around. She clings onto my neck and laughs as we spin. I stop because I was getting too dizzy. Then her eyes light up when she notices the sunset.

We watch in aww. Then I take Rey's hand and lead her to her room. She sits on the bed, "Stay here, I'm going to get our stuff." I say and she nods. I run out of the room to the Falcon. When I get there I grab our bags and a small little box.

Tomorrow I'm going to do it...

I smile put the box in my pocket and run back to Rey's room. When I get there I see her smiling still in the same spot. I dropped the bags and sneakily put the little box in one of the drawers. "Wow, you listened to me for once", I say sarcastically.

She frowns then laughs, "I guess so." She goes under the covers and I head towards the couch. "Finn come up here", she says patting the spot next to her.  I walk over there hesitantly.

What if Luke finds out

"I can read your mind and frankly I don't give a damn what Luke thinks", she says. I got this feeling that I haven't got since our first kiss. I hurried and jumped onto the bed. I wrap my arms around her.

She smiles and I do too. "I have to meditate tomorrow", she says sadly. I didn't let my happiness show. I could get everything prepared. "Thats ok we have two months to be with each other", I say truthfully.

And maybe forever....

I hoped she didn't read my thoughts until I find her asleep in my arms, "good night Rey." I kiss her forehead and drift to sleep myself.

I wake up to find Rey not there but a note instead.

Finn, I went to mediate in the gardens.
I don't want to be rude but please don't disturb me.
I will be deep in the force. I will also be back at dusk.
Love, Rey

I stare at it and smile. I will have enough time to prepare. First I decorate the room with flower pedals and put dozens of candles on the balcony. I then go into the fields and pick some flowers for her. When I get back it's almost dusk.

Got to carried away in the meadow

I go into the kitchen and start to make dinner. I take out some meat and put it into the oven. Rey would love real food. After dinner is made I put it on the table and rush to Rey's room. I go into my bag and take out the outfit that I've been saving for this moment, a tuxedo.

I put it on and put the tiny box in one of my pockets. Then I light all the candles on the balcony. It's dusk, I took a deep breath and went down stairs.


I come out of my trance at my promised time. I pick myself up and start to head back. My minds starts to think of random things till Finn pops up.

I wonder what he did all day?

I finally make it to the entrance of the house. When I walk in a savory smell is in the air and I my mouth waters. Then I see Finn in a tuxedo? My eyes trail up and down his body.

He does look good in a tux.

He smiles and hands me a bouquet of flowers. I take them and bring them up to my nose sniffing the sweet scent. He then grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. When I get in my eyes land on the food.

Real food...

He pulls out my chairs for me and takes my flowers, putting them in a vase.
"I know how much you love real food, so I made you some", he says happy but nervous?
I dig in and I'm done in a few moments.

"Thank you, Finn, that was delicious." "That's not all", he replies taking my hand again and leading me upstairs. We walk toward our room, his hand is shaking in mine. When we walk in I am surprised at the effort he put to decorate it.

I had no words, my mouth hung open. Instead of sitting on the bed, he leads me to the balcony. That's when I see hundreds of lit candles surrounding us. I gasp putting my hand on my mouth.

Then Finn takes a deep breath, "Rey ever since I met you, I have loved you. The look in your eyes was not fear but something I didn't understand until now. I've always wanted you to be part of my future", he gets down on one knee. I then realize what he's doing and tears form in my eyes.

"Rey, will you do me the greatest honor and marry me", he says looking into my eyes the whole time.

"Yes", I say tears streaming down my face. His face lights up,"yes?.....Yes!"
He then picks me up and spins us around like he did before. He stops, puts me down and we look into each other's eyes. We both have tears rolling down our faces.

Then as the sun sets we kiss passionately. When it fully sets we walk into the bedroom and he goes in the bathroom.

He probably is changing out of the tux

I was right when he came out in shorts and a T-shirt. I went under the covers and patted the spot next to me. He sat on top of the covers and looked at me with adoration in his eyes. I try to hide a yawn and Finn scolds me.

"Rey, get some rest I'll be here in the morning", he says. This time I agree with him,
"Fine but I'm doing this because I want to not because you told me too."
"Oh no we couldn't have that", he jokes.

I then start to drift to sleep ready for the day tomorrow.

Starkiller POV

Surprised was an understatement when I saw a resistance ship flying to Naboo. What surprised me more was the two life forms, one was a Jedi.

I turn my ship around and head towards Naboo.

My master will be pleased

How was that?

Next chapter Rey's light saber in action, maybe?

Anyway hope to update soon!

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