Chapter 22

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We get in the Falcon and I lead Sam to the cockpit. I sit down and she does also. She looks at the buttons and a look of confusion comes over her face. I chuckle,"don't know how to fly?" She takes a deep breath and nods.

"Well, you're lucky I can", I say. "Yes Master Rey", she says seriously. "Do you ever smile? You know being serious all the time is a buzzkill", I say. "Sorry, Master Rey I'm not used to being happy."

I truly felt bad for this girl. "Well, then get ready because happiness is part of the light", I say happily and take us out of orbit. Then I remember that the resistance moved its base to Yavin-4, so I go on that course.

I sit back in my chair and watch the stars as we go by. "Master Rey, I don't think the resistance will like me", Sam says nervously. I chuckle,"trust me they are very welcoming." She gives me a look trying to figure out if I'm being sarcastic.

"You are always on guard, relax", I say to her. She is always on edge. "Sorry, Master, it's just you teach the opposite of my old master", she says. "It that good?", I ask her.
"Very", she replies and smiles. I smile back but then focus on my piloting.

We get into orbit and I land the ship. "Stay by me", I say to Sam and get out of my seat. "Okay Master", she replies and gets up too. We walk out of the ship and I take in the planet. Yavin-4 is like Takodana, beautiful in its own way.

After taking in the place we start to head over to Leia's office. "This is the Head General's office", I say once we get their. "Stay out here, I'll be back", I add and walk into the office. Leia smiles when she sees me.

"Hello, Rey, may I help you?", she asks genuinely. "Yes actually, I need my room card and an extra room next to mine", I say with a smile. "Why do you need an extra room?", Leia asks getting suspicious.

"I have a padawan and she needs a room", I say hoping Leia will comply. Then unexpectedly Leia smiled,"congrats, Rey, that makes you a Jedi master", she squealed and then handed me two cards. "Thank you Leia", I say and walk out of the room.

I see Sam and hand her the card to her room. "Don't loose that, it's your room card", I say and start to head toward our rooms. When I get outside my door I stop. "This is my room, the next one down is yours, you can explore the base, but every sunrise meet me by the Falcon", I say to her.

"Yes Master, thank you Master", she says quickly and walks into her room. After a few moments I walk into mine and see that Finn is not in here.

Probably general duties....

I go take a shower and put on new Jedi robes. I then take some clothes for Sam and put them in a bag. I walk out of my room and leave the bag by Sam's door. Then I hurry to the hangar hoping to find Finn there.

I run into someone in the hall outside the hangar. I look up and see its Finn. "Finn", I whisper. "Rey", he says back. He then grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. I then push him against the wall and we have a full on make out session.

"God I missed you", I say in between kisses. "I need you", he says. "I am all yours", I whisper in his ear. He shivers at the thought and then pushed me against the wall. We kiss rougher than last time.

Our make out session is put to an end when I hear a voice. "Master Rey, this Poe guy won't leave me alone", Sam says running towards us. She then stops and looks at the position I'm in. "Master Rey, isn't lust a bad emotion?", she questions.

Finn then gets off me and studies my padawan. "Yes but if you love that person then it isn't", I say to her. She thinks about it then nods. "Rey what the hell is going on?", Finn asks confused.

"Sam is my new padawan I'm training. I found her on Jakku and brought her back with me", I explain leaving out the part that Sam was originally a Sith apprentice. "Cool", he says and steps forward to Sam to shake Sam's hand.

Sam steps back but then realizes Finn is being genuine. She steps forward and shakes his hand. "Well Sam hope to see you around", Finn says. "You too", Sam says nervously and walks away quickly.

Finn POV

I watch Rey's padawan walk away. She was a little weird though. "What's with her?", I ask. Rey gives me a sad look,"bad past, doesn't like men that much", she says. "Oh", I reply. I couldn't help but feel bad for that girl.

"Your parents might be looking for you", I say trying to change the subject. "Yeah but I want to do this", she says and kisses me roughly. I kiss her back but not as rough. "What if Luke finds me like this", I say between kisses.

She starts to kiss behind my ear. "If Luke lays a hand on you I'll cut it off", she whispers into my ear. I chuckle and start to kiss her neck. She gasps. "Hallway sex", I say when we pull back. "Hallway sex", she repeats and grabs my face.

God I love this woman....

I take off my coat, shirt and tie. Then the real stuff starts. By the time I have four hickeys we hear someone clearing their throat.


Rey and I jump away from each other. I then turn around to see Poe and both of Rey's parents. Luke looked like he was going to kill me. "Well, I'm sorry to interrupt...hallway sex...but we wanted to see Rey", Poe says with a smirk.

Rey blushes and I look at Luke. I think he would go to the dark side just to kill me. "Rey I hope you told the truth that you'll cut his hand off", I say quietly. I guess I wasn't quiet enough though. "WHAT!", Luke yells.

Rey steps forward, "I kinda said that if you laid a hand on Finn I would cut it off", she says to Luke. "Damn where do I find a girl like her?", Poe says trying to lighten the mood. Rey walks in front of him.

"Your cute", she says, then kisses his cheek and walks to me. Poe smirks when he sees my face. "Finn put on a shirt or I'll give you three more hickeys in front of Luke", she says. "Yes mam", I joke and put on the shirt I threw on the floor.

"So who's the new girl?", Poe asks huskily. Rey rolls her eyes,"my new padawan and no she is not interested in dating and if you corner her or make her uncomfortable I will cut your penis off with my light saber", she says. I laugh at the look on Poe's face.

"You have a padawan?", Mara asks Rey. "Yes, her name is Sam but she is emotionally fragile, so I'll introduce her to you guys later", she replies. "Except you", she says pointing at Poe. He pouts but he seems to understand.

"Where did you find her?", Mara asks. "Jakku, when I went on a trip", she answers nervously. "The great Rey is nervous", I whisper in her ear. She turns around,"I swear I think your force sensitive", she jokes.

"Anyway I need to rest so see you later", I say and walk down the hall to my room.


After awhile Rey and her parents walk away, leaving me all alone in the hallway. The truth is I've always had a crush on Rey but Finn swept her off her feet. Of course I get that they have so much in common but I wish I had a chance with her.

Then when I saw that new girl Sam, she was beautiful but had that aura of power flowing off her. When I saw her I wanted to take her to my ship and give her a ride.
She was different like Rey.

When I said,"hey, I'm Poe. What's your name", and gave her my award winning smile, she ran away a probably to Rey. I didn't chase her because I knew that would make it worse. This time I will not hold back with girl, I will make a move.

How was that?

A little Poe POV too.

Anyway do you guys want some Poe-Sam in the next few chapters?

Next chapter training with Rey, maybe?

Hope to update soon!

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