Chapter 9

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Finn POV

I woke up with Rey in my arms. She is looking at the ring I gave her. It is a simple gold band but it's made with Jakku gold. Then I see the recognition on her face.
"When I was on Jakku I bought the ring before I went to the star destroyer."

"Thank you", she says cuddling into my chest. "Let's do it today", she adds. I give her a confused look then I understand what she meant. "Wow, Rey, you are doing something without Luke's permission", then I get scared,"Luke will kill me."

"I Don't give a damn about Luke and you shouldn't either", she says. "Ok let's do it today", I say smiling. We get out of bed and I run into the bathroom. I put on some new clothes and when I come out I see that she did the same.

She then took my hand and lead me downstairs to the courtyard.

What is she doing?

She then slips a silver ring around my finger. I had no words. "When I was scavenging I found a piece of silver from an imperial ship. I welded it into a ring and kept it. You gave me a ring made of my past, now I give you one from yours", she says looking into my eyes.

Tears were in my eyes, I then leaned in a kissed her passionately. She kisses back then suddenly stops. I pull back to see what's wrong. Her eyes are wide with fear,"Sith."
"What", I whisper.

No it can't be....

"A Sith is here, on Naboo", she says. Then a wave of fear washes over me. Rey could get hurt. "Don't be afraid, I've dealt with one before", she says. "I'm not afraid of the Sith, I'm afraid you will get hurt", I say looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Go inside and stay there. I will battle the Sith at the landing platform", she says.
"I have to come Rey", I argue. Her head pops up,"Now", she yells at me. I obey and run inside. Once I'm inside, I watch Rey run to the platform.

I sit down but take my blaster out just in case. Then I hear a voice,"I thought you would go with your girlfriend or should I say fiancé. The ceremony was so touching." The man steps out and all of my instincts tell me it's a Sith.

I aim my blaster at his head ready to take a shot, but he was quicker. He forced me into a wall, knocking my blaster out of my hand. He walks up to me,"let's not do that."
"Go to hell", I yell then spit in his face.

He turns angry and kicks me in the chest. I fall to the floor coughing up blood. Never in my life have I felt such force. He then picks me up by the throat, punches me in the gut, and throws me across the room. I have never felt so much pain in my life, I secretly wished he used his light saber instead.

He stepped forward preparing the final blow until Rey busts in.


I made it to the landing pad ready to fight the Sith, but to my surprise no one was there. Then I felt a great wave of pain.


I start to sprint anger coursing through my veins. I know I shouldn't use anger but I didn't care, Finn was in danger. I finally get to the house and bust through the door. The sight I saw filled me with so much anger it was on a dangerous level.

Finn is on his hands and knees coughing up blood, while the Sith is standing over him. I meet his eyes and find the pain he was trying to hide. The Sith turns around, "here she is what took you so long." My anger simmers.

"Who are you", I say bitterly. "Darth Starkiller at your service", he gives a mock bow," but I'm in a hurry so I will make this quick. Then me and your fiancé can talk." He pulls out two light sabers then activates them.

I've never been so angry in my life. I pull out my two light sabers and clip them together, making it double-bladed. I activate it then point it at him. Anger and power course through my veins. "You will pay for this", I shout.

I then see fearful expression on the Sith's face, but I didn't care. I lunge forward to strike him. He then comes out of his trance and blocks it. This battle was different than Ren's this one was easy.

The Sith had a hard time keeping up with me as I attacked. Each strike I made had more anger than the last. I then unclip my sabers so I battle with two. After a few seconds I find the weak spot and cut off his hands.

He screams and falls to the ground. I then lift him up using the force and pin him to the wall, my two sabers at his throat. "Have fun in hell", I sneer then slice his head off. It rolls away and satisfaction fills me.

Then I see a figure in the mirror. The figure looked scary and had yellow eyes. Then I realize it was me.

What have I done...

I drop my light sabers and fall on my hands and knees. This Sith wasn't the danger, I am. I then run over to Finn. He was trying to get up. "Finn we have to get to Luke."
He nods but his eyes have fear in them.

He heads towards the Falcon. I then pick up my sabers, clip them to my belt, and follow him. We finally get in and sit down. Then we fly out of orbit and put on auto pilot.
I walk to the seating area but Finn stays in his chair.

I sit down but don't cry. Feeling the darkness surrounding me but I push it away. The darkness wants me, and I let it in. It felt so wrong yet, so right.
I shook that thought out of my head.

Every time I use the force the darkness surrounds me.

I will never use the force again, I vowed.

I then feel better but make a plan. I will see Luke and give him my sabers. Then I will go somewhere far away and start a new life.

What about Finn

I loved Finn, but I was too dangerous for him. I decided I would leave without him. He will find a new lover and his life will be better. I then decide not to do anything intimate with Finn, so my departure would be less painful.

I agreed with my plan and walk back to the cockpit. Finn looks at me and sighs in relief. My eyes probably turned to there natural color. We land at the base and get out. I walk towards Leia's office.

I already sent a message to the resistance to have Luke and Leia only in her office.
I walk in to see both of them talking about the First Order. Luke them smiles when he sees me, he gets up and hugs me. After our hug he frowns.

"You are back really early, what did Finn do?", he asked in a serious tone.
"Finn is innocent, it's me that brought us back", I say. He raises an eyebrow.
"I ran into a Sith on Naboo", I say bitterly.

"WHAT", Leia exclaims. I then take my sabers and give them to Luke. "Rey, what are doing.", Luke asks. "Going away", I reply. "Rey, explain yourself", Luke shouted.
I take a deep breath and start.

"When I found the Sith, he injured Finn badly. When I fought him, I fought on pure rage. I didn't use any mercy. When I finished him off I looked in the mirror. My eyes were yellow. When I saw Finn he looked at me with fear", I say looking Luke in the eye.

Luke's eyes were filled with sadness,"don't go Rey, we can work on it together", he pleaded. I shook my head,"I will never use the force again. I'm going away to start a new life."

"What about Finn?", he asked tears coming out of his eyes. "Finn deserves someone better than me", I answer. "Let me go father, please", I added. I see conflict in his eyes, but then he nods. "Sorry, father, I've failed you", I say walking out of the room.

The last thing I saw was tears running down his face. I then walk to Finn's room. When I get in, I see him asleep on the bed. I kiss him on the forehead tears in my eyes. "Farewell my love, find someone who deserves you", I whisper and walk out of the room.

I then made my way to the Falcon and boarded it. I take it out of orbit and head toward Tatoonine. "Goodbye old life. Hello new one", I say and prepare for my new life ahead of me.

How was that?

Don't worry, Finn and Rey will meet again.

Anyway, next chapter Rey gets an unexpected visitor, maybe?

Hope to update soon!

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