Getting the cube to safety

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Hey! I'm so sorry I didn't up load this last week. Last week way my birthday and I got a Xbox One and I sorta have been playing on it for the past 13 days......anyway here it's is!!! It's a bit shorter then normal cause I wanna drag it out a bit cause it is coming closer to the end ; _ ; anyway I was wonder do you guys want me to write the next movie as well??? Oh yeah sorta didn't really edit it so there's might be a few mistakes.....

We started to run down another hallway and up to large metal door. Simmons shoved the door open and we all started to pile into the the room which had a pained wheer from Bee. "Hey stop, stop, stop!" I yelled as I brushed passed Simmons and Banachek.

I grabbed the shoulders of one of the guys who was spraying Bee with the same type of gas from when they captured him and shoved him away. Sam and Banachek then started to tell them to stop. As soon as they stopped me and Sam stood at the bace of the platform that Bee was held on. "Hey you're ok?Did they hurt you?" I asked and he look down at us then put down his visor and started to look around at everyone.

He then transformed his hand into a cannon and started to put it at everyone apart from Me, Mikaela and Sam. "Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming." Sam said while Bee sat up on the platform and still pointing his cannon at everyone.

"Hey it's alright. There not gonna hurt you." I said taking a step forward to him with my hands in front of me. As I did Sam started to tell everyone to back up. "Hey it's alright." I said again and he put up his visor and turned his cannon into a gun again. "We're gonna take you to the All Spark." I said and looked back at Sam and the rest of the group.

Bee then stood up and looked down at us I smiled and started to jog down the hall way behind Simmons and Banachek. I looked back at Bee now and then as he followed us into the large room that held the All Spark.

We slowed our pace as we entered the room. I herd a sound of aw come from Bee as he saw the large cube. Me, Sam and Mikaela ran with Bee up to it and stood just under. Bee looked at the Cube in aw and then moved his hands up to the corner of it. All three of us backed up slightly not knowing what's going to happen.

As he touched the corner slightly there was a bright blue flash. All the markings on it lit up and then the sound of it transforming was herd. I looked up at it and sore it slowly start to fold in on its self. "This is amazing." I whispered as I looked up at it in amazement. Soon as it was finished folding it self into a small cube, held it with it zapping him slightly.

"Message from Starfleet, Captain. Let's get to it." Bee said using his radio and looked down at us. "He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Will said as he walked over to Simmons.

Keller then spoke up and I walked over to them. "But we won't be able to make a stand without the Air Force." I said awhile looking at Simmons. "This place must have some kind of radio link." Keller said looking at Simmons and they started agreeing with each other.

"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!" Will said and then turned to me. "(Y/N) I want you and your brother to get in that car and get the Cube out of here." He said was we walked over to Sam, Mikaela and Bee as he transformed.

"You better not get your self kill Lennox. Just think of your daughter growing up with out her daddy." I said with a smirk as walked over to the passenger side door and opened it. Just as I was about to get in Will yelled my name. I looked over at him and he threw me a radio. "Keep it open Witwicky." I smiled at him and at in the passengers seat. "Alright Bee. We can go." I said and his engine came to life.

Bee then started to drive down the long tunnel and then out of the Dam. Soon black buggy's surrounded us as we drive down the road away from the Dam, heading towards the City. "Cubes ok?" Sam asked as he looked back at Mikaela. She looked over at it and put the seatbelt on it.

"Yeah, it's fine." She said back as we raced down the road. As we where diving down I saw a familiar set of cars driving towards us. "Hey, hey, hey! It's the rest of the auto bot's!" I yelled with a large smiled on my face. Then there was a happy sounding wheer come with Bee's radio and I laughed slightly and stuck my head back inside.

Bumblebee why do you have to be so adorable. As we passed Optimus the loud quelling of there brake was herd as they skidded across the road and drove behind us. As we made our way back into the city everyone was quite. There was of course the chatter of my team now and then that came threw the radio but Me, Sam, Mikaela and Bee stayed silent.

Our silence was then broken when I herd the sound of cars being slammed into. I looked out the back window and saw a sand coloured truck flip cars over and my eyes widened. I grabbed my walkie talkie and pressed the button. "Lennox. We may have a problem." I said as I sore a sand colour truck cash into a car and pushed it off the road.

"No, no, no, no." Sam said and started to panic as a familiar police car speed around the truck. "What?" Mikaela asked as she turned around to look out the window. I glared at the car, recognizing it as the same police car that attack us.

"Oh this is not good." I said as we watched it weave in and out of traffic. The Sand colour truck then transformed while pushing cars out of the way and destroying the road. "Oh this is so not good." I said then turned to Bee's radio and said "You might want to go as fast as you can now Bee."

I looked back out the back window and sore Optimus transform and looked back at the 'con. The Sand coloured Decepicon crashed threw a bus causing it to explode and raced towards Optimus then lunged at him. "Bee drive!" I yelled while turning away from the fight as Bee started to speed up.

Soon we where off the causeway and driving threw the city. As we where making our way downtown we stopped. I looked over at my brother and sighed. "You know. If you never brought Bee at that....junk yard we probably would have been hunted down by the Desepticons and killed." He then looked over at me and gave me a small smiled. "And if you didn't come home I probably wouldn't of handled it well." I laughed and looked back out of the windshield. "I would-of come and-find you-if you didn't go-to that-car lot." Bee said while stitching between stations.

"Think I guess we would of probably ended up in the same place." I said and looked back at Mikaela. "Ain't you glad that you got in this car." I said with a smile. She smiled back and shrugged.

"Come on, let's go! Mount up!" I herd Lennox yelled and I looked back towards the front again. "Lets get this cube some where safe." I said as we started to drive down the road again.

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