And things just get worse

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Hiya again :) So yeah I updated twice in a row! (I'm bored thats why I updated) anyway tomorrow school starts up again which is depressing and my year is being forced to go to this lunch thingy so I have to wear my blazer and have my tie done up -_- I hate my school's uniform it sucks and its annoying anyway heres the next chapter. (If there is any mistakes i'm sorry I just got a new Keyboard for my computer cause my other one broke and Im still getting used to this one).

As I was on the ground I felt something poke my side. I uncovered one of my eyes and sore Bee squatting down looking down at me. He then started to make a electronic type of sound, then poked my side once more.

"Alright alright. I'll get up." I said and got up off the ground with a huff. Bee then stood up again and walked around our backyard and up to the house. I then herd a quite yell come from Sam's room. I looked up and sore Sam waving his arms around. "Do you know where my bag is!" He yelled and I shrugged my shoulders. "How would I know." Was my reply. He then looked at all the bots and groaned. "You need to tell them to hide!" He then disappeared again.

I then herd shifting and I looked behind a put my hands in my hair. "Why!" I whispered yelled at them as they where in there vehicle mode on our lawn. "We're so dead." I said a pulled my hair. "Sam!" I yelled up at his window and he and Mikaela looked out the window and started to panic.

"No, no, no, no, no. This isn't hiding! This is our backyard, not a truck stop!" He then disappeared again and I herd shifting again. Soon they where back. Optimus then started to talk to my brother and told the Autobot to fall back. Finally!

Then they all started to run/walk away, until Ratchet walked into the power line and fell down making the ground shake. I lost my balance and was about to fall on the chewed up lawn when I fell into something metal. I looked up and sore I fell into Bee's hand. "Thanks." I said and looked up at him with a smile.

I herd yelling from my parents and sighed. I then stood back up and looked up as Sam yelled at me again. "What was that!" I looked at over where the Sparks where flying and said "Ratchet walked into the power lines." Then all the lights turned off. "Great!" I said while throwing my arms in the air.

"(Y/n), honey get inside! It's not safe out there!" I herd mum yell. "What am I gonna do!" I said to myself and started to freak out. I looked up at Bee. "Let me up I need to help my brother!" I said with a pleading look on my face. He kneeled down and put his large hand so I could get on. Once he held his hand up to the window I climbed threw and fell face first onto the carpet.

I groaned as I quickly got up and ran threw Sam's room to the door. "I came inside ages ago mum!" I yelled then shut the door and lent againsed it. "We are so dead." I mumbled. Then a bright light was shone into his room. I then herd talking from outside the door and dove behind one of his shelfs and pulled Mikaela with me and she hid behind a chair.

"Sam, are you in there? How come the door's locked? You know the rules. No doors locked in my house!" I herd dad's voice come threw the other side. "Stay quiet." I said to Mikaela. I then herd the door open and Sam, mum and dad started to argue about everything.

"Oh for pete's sakes! You are so defensive! Were you....masturbating?" Mum asked. I just died right there. I covered my mouth to stop from laughing as they kept on arguing about everything. I then herd Optimus voice say something then the house started to shake and dad started to yell. "Earthquake! It's another one! Another earthquake! Get in the door way!" Dad yelled as he ran into Sam's bathroom.

"What's going on out there." I whispered and Mikaela shrugged. Dad then walked back into the room and looked out of the window. "Oh. Oh, no! Look at the yard is destroyed." He then started going on about the power lines that Ratchet brought down when he fell.

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