Meeting the Autobots

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Hiya :D I'v updated a day early the reason being cause I'm bored and I just felt like it :3 I might also update again tomorrow but meh. Anyway I found this little comic (the photo is one of the strips) based on the movie and I just thought it was cute (photo is not mine of corse)

I lent back in the drivers seat and just watched the steering wheel turn now and then as we drove down the semi empty road. "This car's a pretty good driver." I herd Mikaela say behind us in the back seat. I smiled and looked at her. "I bet he's better then any of us. You know. Being a robot that turns into an awesome car." I said in a tired voice. I yawned and snuggled down deeper into the leather seat.

This car for some reason made me fell safe. Which I haven't felt in a long time. I smiled at the thought of him protecting me, my brother and our new friend. The seat then heated up slightly making it harder for me to stay awake. "Yeah. you're right." Sam said then looked back at her and said. "Uh is there any seat belts back there?"

I looked over and him and raised an eyebrow. "No." Mikaela said and Sam continued to talk. "Well, maybe you should sit in my lap." She gave him a questioning looked and asked why. "Well I have to only seat belt here. That or you could sit on my sisters lap. You know safety first."

I looked at him still with my eyebrow raised. 'what are you planning Sam?' I thought then it clicked. 'oh you smooth bastered.' I thought with a smirk and looked out the window as Mikaela climbed into his lap and put the seat belt around them.

"You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move." Mikaela said and I laughed. I continued to look out the window until I herd Mikaela say "Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super advanced robot, dose he transform back into this piece of crap Camaro?"

As those words left her mouth the music stopped along with Sam's car slamming on the brakes and all of us got out. I looked at where the car drove off to while standing next to my brother on the side of the road. "Great, now...see? Fantastic. Now you pissed him off. That car is sensitive." Sam said while he was pulling his hair.

I looked and him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Im sure he'll come back." I said and gave Mikaela a hard glare. Next thing we know we herd a loud purr of an engine and I turned back around to see a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS in front of us. My eyes widened as I looked over the car. I walked over to the drivers side and got in admiring the inside of it. "Whoa." was all I was able to say and he started to drive again.

Soon we drove threw a set of gates and stopped outside of a memorial type building. All three of us got out and sore four flashes in the sky. I looked over at Sam and Mikaela and sore them holding hand and I smirked then looked back at the sky in wonder.

The four commit like objects flew right over us and crash to different sections of the city. We then started to run to where the closest one touched down in a field and sore a tail of fire and a large metal pod like thing in the ground.

We then herd the sound of metal shifting and gears turning from it. Then a large figure stood up and started to run away from us. "Wow." I said and we quickly ran back to Sam's car and got in and he started to drive.

We then to pull up to a large alleyway out side a factory and stopped. Me, Sam and Mikaela then got out and sore a red and blue semi truck pull up in front of us. I then turned around and sore a green ambulance, a black Topkick and a sliver pontiac.

The Semi then stopped in front of us and started to transform. I stood back a little bit and looked at all the cars around us in wonder. The Large red and blue semi knelt down to our hight and said "Are you Samuel James Witwicky and (y/n) (m/n) Witwicky, descendents of Archibald Witwick?" I looked up at him in surprise.

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