Weird police men and Giant robots

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Hiya :D so heres the next chapter. I also wanna give you guys a heads up that updates could be slow (but unlikely) cause School starts up again next week D: But the good thing is its my last year of high school \^_^/ then onto Uni (or college as you Americans call it I guess...your schooling system confuses me) "-_- anyway hope you enjoy this chapter it was really fun to write

"Soooo, (y/n) how's your first day back been?" Sam asked I looked at him with the 'are you kidding me' face. "Let's see first I had a sleepless night on the plane cause the kid next to me would not shut up. Got home, had mum ask me stupid questions, picked you up and got you a new car. Got woken up at God knows what time to finds your car was stolen and to fine it's a giant alien robot. Now i'm the back of a cop car."

I then glared at him. "What do you think!" I yelled and and he flinched and looked down at his lap with an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry just really tired." I said with a sigh. "Hey will you two shut up back there!" One of the police men yelled at us. "Geez someone's not happy." I mumbled and Sam mumbled in agreement.

~time skip~

First an uncomfortable flight. Now an uncomfortable night in a jail cell with my brother. Why dose life hate me at the moment! Both me and Sam at the moment where sitting in the police station being interrogated by some wacko police man. "Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up." Sam said and the guys around us where trying not to laugh.

"Its true. I was there. His car just stood up." I said and the guy in front of us laughed a bit and said "It just stood up. Wow. It's really neat. Ok you two. Time to fill 'em up." He said holding two plastic containers and tissue. "And no drippy-drippy. What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?"

I then raised one of my eyebrows. "Im in the army. I don't do drugs and nor dose my brother." I said leaning back in my chair. The officer then looked at me and lent forward. "And i'm the queen of London." He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. I glared at him. He then one of the other guys then threw a small orange container at him and he caught it. "If you guys aren't doing any drugs, what are these?"

He then looked at the label and carried on talking. "Mo-jo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mo-Jo?" He said looking up at us. Sam looked down and mumble but high enough for everyone one to hear. "Those are our dogs pain pills." Then dad started to explain who Mo-Jo was.

The guy then shifted in front of us and his jacket moved a bit so that his gun was visible. In the corner of my eye I sore sam look at it. "What was that?" Sam looked up at him confused and the guy in front of us carried on talked. 'He sure dose love the sound of his voice doesn't he.' I thought.

"Your eyeballing my piece, fifty cent? You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. Cause I promise you, I will bust you up." I ground. 'Will he ever shut up!' I though and he looked at me. "Huh what about you miss 'Im in the army?'"

I geared at him. Then Sam did the unexpected and said "Are you on drugs?" And let me say the guys face was priceless. I held out my hand and Sam gave me a low five. Ok so maybe this holiday wont be so bad.

~Time Skip~

After the whole thing at the police station we where finally released. "Sam you are the best brother ever! If that guy said anymore I probably would have gotten us in even more trouble." I said and Sam laughed as we both talked in the car. "I bet he was on drugs. You can never know with police like that." He said and I laughed.

"Ok you two thats enough." Dad said and I groaned. "Just let us have some brother sister bonding time. I haven't seen Sammy in like two years maybe longer!" I said throwing my hands up and dad sighed. Soon we pulled up our drive way and we all got out and into the house.

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