"I said it doesn't concern you, so drop it." Daniel grit out and I could see he was getting more frustrated as she continued to push the issue. I turned to leave for a second time, I couldn't be bothered with the drama.

I walked out of the restaurant and towards my car, so glad to be out of there. I just wanted my dog and my bed.

"Elle!" Somebody shouted from behind me. I turned to see it was Imani running after to me as fast as she could in her six inch heels. I was so close to freedom I internally thought.

"Imani, can I help you?" I sighed.

"You didn't say bye to any of the girls."

"So? I'm not going to pretend to like people I don't. Now what do you really want, because I'm sure you didn't chase me out here to discuss dinner formalities." I bluntly spoke.

"Do you know what your problem is? You think you're so much better than the rest of us, you egotistical bitch. Whatever you have going on with Daniel, I'll find out. Why do you always get the special treatment? You speak to him however you want with no backlash, while we would get shouted at! And now he's giving you secret projects he won't tell anyone else about. I hate-"

"Are you done? I'm bored of you and tired of you and just about had enough of your talking."

"Are you sleeping with him? Because you should know I started sleeping with him way before you." She suddenly admitted, surprising me.

"I most definitely am not sleeping with him and I won't be anytime soon." I replied truthfully, the thought almost made me sick. "Now, I have to leave."

"You'll get what's coming to you one day, you whore." She bit out, before turning and marching back to the restaurant, her blonde hair flowing behind her.

"Bitch, aren't we both whores? It's pretty much in our fucking job description!" I shouted after her, laughing.

God, I hated her. I couldn't wait to get home.


"Keep your arms up firmly Naya! They block the hits." I shouted as I continued my advance towards her.

"It hurts! Don't hit so hard." She panted out as she tried her best to dodge my hits.

"Don't be such a baby, do you think a real attacker cares if 'it hurts'? They won't give up."

"Okay, stop! Stop! ELLE! Time out!" She screamed before I stopped myself and pulled back. "It's our second session Elle, can you please just not push so hard? I'm still learning."

I knew today I was lost in a trance but I had a reason. It was bad however, that I had taken it out on Naya.

"I'm sorry Naya, I have a lot on my mind today. I'm sorry I took it out on you." I apologised as I took a long swig from my water and wrapped my towel around my shoulders.

"Hey, it's all good. We all have those days. Do you want to grab a coffee or something?" She asked with a smile. Sometimes it was hard to believe she was only 17.

"I'd love to but not today. I have to be somewhere. How about next time?" I replied before shoving my things into my bag.

"Yeah sure! I'll text you later in the week and hopefully you'll try not to kill me at our next session." She laughed as she gathered her own things and we made our way out of the gym halls.

"Of course, no problem. I'll see you later Naya." I waved her goodbye as I got into my car and made my way home to quickly shower and change before I had to head out again.

Miss. Manipulation (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now