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I stood there awkwardly as my parents tried to explain my situation to Jack. Mark was a little busy at the moment.
"Keira.... Well she was in a coma. Well not really but we just call it that. Anyway! In this coma she had a dream and imagined you adopted her. She feels as if she knows you on a personal level and we were wondering if you could talk with her because we're thinking it might help" my mom explained as she pointed over at me. I was still standing in the line but immediately walked over.
"Hey" I said awkwardly. Without warning, Jack pulled me in for a big hug.
"I'm sorry about what you've been through. I've had family who went through the same thing and she kept calling me Datrick, Fuzzy and even Ratty" he told me. I laughed at that. Ratty!?
"Ratty?!" I asked still laughing. I looked up and he was laughing too.
"Yup. I know this is hard for you so I wanted to know if you wanted to join me and Mark for lunch this afternoon and we can talk about your dream and hopefully help you out" he said in a sincere voice.
"You would do that for me?!" I said. I didn't think he would spend personal time with me after this!
"Yes! I will so meet me at the front doors at 6:30 and we'll go to I dunno! Where ever! OK?" He informed me.
" got it! See ya then!" I said as we walked away. I was going to meet up with them and tell them all the crazy things that happened. I was very excited!!!

Sorry its short. I was kinda rushing... Sorry ;-;

Adopted By YouTubers   Part 2Where stories live. Discover now