So we meet again

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"Did you kiss him?!" Asked Jack while we entered the taxi.
"NO!" I said very loud
"OK! Why were you crying?"
"I wasn't crying..." I said, lying
"I saw you. Don't deny it! Why were you and him crying?!" He asked again.
I didn't know what to say.
I told him the truth, "he told me a little about him and why he's here and I told him about me. That's all"
"Ok..... What do you wanna have for dinner" he said looking out the window. It was pitch black out side.
"I don't know. I always pick why don't you pick?" I asked
"Ok! Let's get sushi. Do you like sushi?"
"Never had it..."
"Wow! Its like you've been living under a rock! You need to try sushi!" Said Jack

When we got there, I was actually kinda scared. Not for me or Jack but for the fish and lobsters they had in the tanks there. They were all tagged with orange clips and were all clumped together in their tank. Then I saw a man with a long beard come out, grab one of the fish, strangling it and then caring it to the kitchen. I wasn't sure I wanted to try sushi anymore.
When we got to our table I sat there and waited for a waiter.
"Where are you going?" I asked Jack as he got up.
"To get food. Come on!" He said as he pushed in his chair.
"But... Don't they have waiters?"
"Its a buffet! Ok seriously I think you've been living under a rock! How do you not know what a buffet is?!" He said as he pulled me away to the trays.
"Haha very funny" I said sarcastically.
After we ate we went to our hotel.

"We have a room booked for Sean and Keira" said Jack as he handed the employee our IDs
"Ah yes Mr.jacksepticeye. Lovely to meet you and Keira" he said bowing
I almost started laughing at him. Bowing? Seriously!
"Thank you. We are very excited to be staying at your hotel" said Jack as he shook the employees hand.
"I'm sure you are. Let me show you to your room" he said leading the way.
"WAIT! KEIRA!" said a familiar voice.
When I turned around it was.....

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