Can't take this anymore

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"Hey" I said nervously. If Sylie ever heard about this she would freak out.
"No go ahead! Take your selfies. No ones stopping you" he said as he sat down beside me.
"No you ruined my moment!" I said laughing
"Why are you here?" He asked
"Because me and Jack are trying to get Mark out of jail. We don't really have a plan yet but we'll try to help. Because he's been given the death sentance..." I said as I was about to cry. I wasn't going to cry in front of Max. Not now.
"Oh" he said sensing my hurt.
"So why are you here?" I asked
"Just a vacation. I'm coming to see my dad for the first time... He just got out of jail so we're staying in a hotel for a while. My grandma can't help sadly. She kinda just gave up on my dad" he said. I saw a tear run down his cheek and I felt his pain.
"What about your mom?" I asked as I gave him a napkin to wipe his face.
"Thanks" he said taking the napkin, "my mom is... She's.... She's gone" he said starting to cry even more
I felt terrible! He had only sat down a few minutes ago and now he's crying...
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know.... Please stop crying" I said
"Sorry... It just gets to me" he said embarrassed, "I'm kinda a little baby sometimes"
"Ya. I know how you feel... I've cried more then I've probably ever slept. When my parents died, when mark got sick, when Jack was about to die and when mark went to jail" I said as all the memories came back to me.

"Mommy?" I asked
"Yes dear?" She said in a scratchy voice
"Don't leave me... Please"
"I'm sorry Keira... I have no choice"
"Please MOMMY!" I screamed.
"I love you, Keira. I always will" she said in her last breathes

"aw now I made you cry" he said laughing
I didn't even notice I was balling my eyes out.
"Oh haha. Sorry! As long as you stopped" I said laughing back.
"Well I gotta get going. See you around!" He said as he got up.
"Okay! Bye..."

Adopted By YouTubers   Part 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat