Chapter 11

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Pete's story

Both Patrick and I grabbed some gear and headed to the ground floor. A whole battle played before us, vampires and hunters killing each other left and right. I hear a low threatening growl from Patrick and looked in the direction he was looking at.

Gerard was pinned down by a hunter, stake in hand, ready to pierce his heart but in a flash Patrick tackled the hunter to the ground. Please stay safe. I thought to myself.

Looking away, I search the room looking for one person, the person who caused all this havoc, this pain, this betrayal. I clench the gun in my hand and marched through the room, dodging on coming attacks and giving a swift punch and kicks to the hunters, letting the vampires finish them off.

I found Ronnie facing jack. A sadistic smile placed across his lips as jack crouches, an animal growl came from his throat, trying to look intimidating. Ronnie just laughed.

"Aww, look at you, trying to be all scary," he coos, mocking jack. Jack snarls at Ronnie and launches himself at him. I stand on the sidelines and watch the two fight. Jack is completely running off instinct no logic in where he's throwing his punches, he's not planning and I know Ronnie will use that to his advantage.

Ronnie found the upper hand and had Jack pinned to ground and held a stake hovering over his heart. Before he had a chance, I tackled Ronnie to the ground, quickly throwing the stake out of hand putting the gun to his head. Ronnie just smirked at me, leaning his head and touching the barrel of the gun on his forehead, practically teasing me to kill him.

"Go ahead, Wentz, you know you want to," he coaxed, laughing. I gripped the gun, clenching my jaw at the same time. Is this a joke to him?

"Is this a fucking joke?" I questioned him and just laid there and laughed.

"Of course it is. I know you don't have balls to pull the trigger," he mocked and I flinched slightly. He's right. I've never killed a person in my entire life. I would be a murderer.

Ronnie noticed my hesitation and pinned me to the ground, knocking the gun out of my hand. Clasping tightly on to my throat, Ronnie used his other hand and pulled out a knife.

"You know, I have a confession to make, Wentz," he begins, slowly trailing the knife down my cheek. "I enjoy killing, I like making things feel pain, I like to make them bleed," he explains grinning. I already knew this information from what he did to Jack. "Humans would have easily been my first choice but I'm not one for jail, so hunting vampires had to make due." He sighs sadly. "I envy these creatures. They kill whoever they want and whenever they want, without any human consequences, I would love to be one but I had to get rid of you first, didn't want you hunting my ass down plus I knew the men here didn't have a chance here in the first place," he chuckled and I payed attention to my surroundings. Ronnie is right, we're winning, all the hunters are been slaughtered, over powered by so many vampires. Ronnie knew this and sent them to their deaths. He used them. He used them all to get what he wants.

"You monster," I growled and Ronnie just smiled.

"I'll take that as a compliment but unfortunately for, you must die," Ronnie laughs, raising the knife to my chest.

As he swings down, I grab his arm, preventing the blade to go through me, but I didn't expect how strong Ronnie is. Slowly he put more force down, the tip of the blade reaching my shirt.

Thankfully someone tackled Ronnie off me and began to beat him. It was Jack, throwing punches at his face, chest, practically anywhere were Jack can hit.

The only noise in this room is pained grunts from Ronnie. I looked around and realised it's over. All the hunters are dead, but also a few staked vampires. Some have already began to mourn over there loss, we've lost too many. I thought sadly.

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