Chapter 1

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Jack's story

Three weeks. It has only been three weeks and Alexander has said nothing. They have tortured him relentlessly, burning him in the sun, bleeding him out. You hear him scream but he will not say a word. These men take pleasure in torturing creatures; Pete hired them for this reason. Pete cannot even torture a creature let alone kill one. So he hires others to do it for him.

Their newest method is starving the vampire. But no matter how much blood we offer he still refuses.

Now I'm here, outside his cell. Pete thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to him. If he's not willing to speak to them, then why would he speak to me?

Alexander looked up me. The irises in his eyes are slowly losing their colour. His hunger will be unbearable.

A low growl came from his chest, warning me not to come any further. But what can he do? He is chained to the wall and has a muzzle on him, there's nothing much he can do but a deadly death stare.

I walked closer and unlocked the cell the door, walking in, I close it behind me.

I moved closer to Alexander and he has growled at me once again. I raise my hands. Trying to show him I mean no harm. I take another step and he growls at me once more.

"I just want to take the muzzle off, ok? I just want to talk," Alexander thought about for a second. He seemed hesitant. Unsure if I'm lying.

He looked at me a little longer and sighed. He tilted his head, letting me get closer to the strap. I take a deep breath and moved closer.

I unhooked and moved away quickly, removing the muzzle all together.

I smile to my small achievement but Alexander still didn't look all too pleased.

I threw the muzzle to the ground and I moved to the other side of the cell, sitting myself down against the barred wall. We just sat in silence.

I found an empty cup beside me, with old dried blood, crusted around the insides of the cup. It's disgusting. It's obvious they fed him with this before cutting off all blood to him. And it looks like he needs it.

His fangs are showing and I can tell he can't retract them. His once dark brown eyes are now slowly turning into a milky white, into complete starvation and his irises will be completely white.

"It's Alexander, right? I was just wondering do you like that name or do you go by a different name – like a nickname or something. Because Alexander just sounds way too posh." I lightly chuckled. Trying to make the situation lighter but my attempts were feeble as Alexander continued to glare at me.

Right. I thought, nodding my head at the same time.

Looking back at Alexander, I noticed he rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth a little wider, exposing his long canines. His fangs are the length as you would imagine with snakes, but much thicker as a human tooth.

It's obvious he's hungry but how does that answer my previous question?

He let out a sigh and closed his mouth. He cleared his throat and moved his lips but no sound was coming from his mouth. I then became confused. He tried again, carefully trying to mouth the words. He's lost me.

Rolling his eyes, he sighed and leaned back on the wall. It's his silent way of saying; 'I give up.'

I thought about it. Intractable fangs, mouthing words . . . he can't speak.

It clicked. He's lost his voice due to the lack of blood, not enough blood means no voice. But how am I . . . I have to feed him.

I pick up the cup besides me and grab my trusted pocket knife, I never leave without it. I delicately cut my hand and squeezed the red content into the cup.

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