Chapter 2

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Pete's story

Night has fallen once more and I have been given reports of two vampires sneaking around the area. Just as I suspected, they're looking for him. From the recent years, I've come to learn vampires are quite protective of their own kind, I've seen them mourn over their fallen comrades and only to see them begging for their own sweet release of death but that is only if they are the only ones left in their coven. They find extremely difficult to move on.

But now I have more concerns, one locked up vampire, two sneaking around, the coven will be here tearing the place down in no time and it's only seven at night. I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this evening.

I inhaled deeply and leaned back into my chair, I knew the risks of taking him in but I need to know, I need to find the leader.

A shiver trailed down my spine, feeling an unknown presence in the room, hiding in the shadows. How long was it since someone got past security? I felt my own lips twitch, a flicker of amusement, it's been a long time since I smiled.

"Seems like you've have a rough day?" the velvety voice questions.

Looks my search is over. Calm and collected, just how any leader should be, especially for one to be around for centuries.

"How did you get passed security?" I asked coolly, unfazed by the predator in the room.

A small light hearted chuckle filled the dark room, amused that I am not afraid.

"Security was most helpful, happy to show they way with enough fear stilled into them," he mused, using the pitch black room to hide in. But in honesty I knew where he was, I can sense him, sitting on lounges in the centre of the room and in the centre of those lounges is a coffee table. I allow my workers and guests to sit comfortably when talking business.

"Indeed. I believe you dispose of them once you were finished," I assumed and my unwanted guest stayed silent. For him I know this is all too amusing, just smiling is enough to give me the answer. "I've lost a few good men, thanks to you," I grumbled.

"You can always get more, seven billion people in the world, I'm sure they're replaceable," the voice mused. I tightened my jaw and took a deep breath. Vampires, they never get, it's a life not a replaceable object. But in this circumstance I must keep my cool.

"How about we cut to the chase?" I asked, keeping my voice levelled. Standing up from my desk and moved over to the light switch, bright lights quickly filled my office, and I'm greeted by the vampire. As I presumed, sitting casually on one of the two sofas, facing me.

My breath hitched as my eyes lay upon the creature - it's him, the man in the photo. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive, but why - why is it the first person, I find attractive in years, has to be a vampire. They don't even have that alluring ability thing with their prey, humans made that shit up. Mind you looks do have a part to their hunt but to bold and sound somewhat cruel - if you are a very unattractive person, luring you're prey won't help you.

Unlike the photo, you are able to see more distinguishable traits - hair colour and eye colour for example. I expected it to be a lighter blonde, but the sandy colour suits him. His eyes are lighter than what I expected but light hazel green suits him no less. "So you're him. Alex went through a lot to keep your identity a secret," I confessed, taking the lounge opposite to him, the coffee table to keep a barrier between us.

His amused smile disappeared quickly, and his face turned to stone, eyes narrowing and a low growl came from his chest.

"What did you do to him?" he asked venom lacing his calm voice.

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