"Excuse me, but you forgot this." Someone came up to me to say. I turned and saw it was the girl that I had smiled at when I walked in. She was pretty, dark skin and dark hair with brown eyes. I looked down and saw she was handing me my receipt in must have left at the counter.

"Thank you very much. I'd rather the world not know how much I waste on a smoothie. I'm Niall Horan." I said with a chuckle, offering her my hand. She laughed and took my hand in hers.

"I'm Jade Thirlwall. You're not the little Horan that belongs to the chief of the Bradford unit, are you?" She asked me with a tone of sass to her voice. I rolled my eyes playfully, but nodded to her anyway.

"That's me. The straight out of the academy little Horan. Do you want to have a seat?" I offered to her with a chuckle. She shook her head and pointed over to a group of three other girls that were sitting at another table watching us like they wanted something to happen.

"I better get back to those infections I call friends. Maybe I can get your number and we can continue on with this riveting conversation later? Maybe you can tell me about shooting bad guys and running from bears." She giggled to me. I laughed and pulled out my phone to give it to her. She gave me her phone, me typing my number into it.

"Well, I'll try to text you if I don't get shot by then. Have a nice day." I said in a joking way that got me a slap on the arm. She told me that I was a jerk but told me to stay safe on the streets. All I could do was wave her off and take a sip of my smoothie. I feel bad for girls some times because I'm not a rude guy that will automatically shut down every single girl that tries to hit on me just because I'm gay. My niceness comes across as flirting, but I always make sure to tell these girls that I am not interested in any way. Some of them are my friends now, but most of them get mad that I some how played them and faked that I was straight just to hurt them. I don't know them at all and have no reason to hurt them. I have no reason to hurt anyone actually.

I resumed my place of looking out the window again just watching people go by. I smiled when I saw a little kid dragging his mum to the ice cream shop that was right next door. I remember being like that. I remember when I had all the innocence in the world. When the only worry there was was if I wanted sprinkles or chocolate ice cream. I wished I could go back actually. Or at least experience that again.

That's probably why I've always wanted to be a nursery school teacher. I could get back some of that young mind and carefree spirt that I used to have just through those children. I could have it back and hold it. Just pretend like I'm not the person I've become just for a day.

I don't think I'm a bad person. It's just that I'm not the best person now that I'm a police officer. Even in the academy I started this change in character. I slept with my roommate like it was no big deal, for crying out loud. I just felt the need to toughen up just like everyone told me I needed to. I didn't want to, but I had heard the stories my brother and father had told me about what they experienced while on the job. I was afraid I wouldn't make it if I stayed the same so I started this change. It's not me at all. The person that is me is the one who cries when I put someone in jail.

As I continued to look out the widow, my eyes landed on a familiar person. He had dark hair and tan skin, but seeing him in the light of day brought out the features I had only seen in a dark ally way full of fear. He had a soft limp in his walk and a tired look that filled his face. I must have really been looking at him because he looked around before he made eye contact with me. We shared a look that I saw he wanted to run while I wanted nothing more than to shove his face with food and hear how he ended up being a prostitute. He was so thin, I didn't really notice it until now. He's sickly thin, actually.

He made the first move by walking to the door of the shop, but he didn't come in. He just sat on the bench next to the door. I went to order another smoothie of what I had been drinking so I could take it to him. When it was finished, I gave that Jade girl a nod of goodbye from where she was sitting looking at me then exited the smoothie place.

The tan, thin male stood up and almost walked away from me but I grabbed his wrist. He turned to me with a look in his eyes like he was questioning if I wanted his body or if I wanted to arrest him. I didn't want either so I offered him the smoothie I had gotten him. He took it without a second thought and begin drinking it. I smiled and pulled him to sit on the bench with me. He made a soft groaning sound as he pulled the straw out of his extremely plump lips.

"Dont get a brain freeze." I giggled to him because I knew it was too late for my warning. He cracked a smile, but it disappeared when he looked down at the shirt I was wearing.

"You remember me from the other night, right?" He asked me slowly. I nodded and waited for him to continue if he wanted to. He took a few soft sips of his drink then turned to face me to make full eye contact. His golden brown eyes met mine and I lost my breath at how beautiful he really was. He was unique in every form, but he scared me with the fact his eyes shown a brokenness that could kill me.

"Thank you for doing it." He said genuinely before getting up and walking away from me faster than I could understand. I wanted to ask him more. I wanted to talk to him more. But the nameless man that couldn't have been a year or two older than myself vanished. All I knew was his words ment allot to me because I knew he appreciated what I did. That's all I could have asked for.

A/N: I have a nasty dentist appointment tomorrow!!! Eeewww!!! I also have a date so I'll share how that goes! Haha what is something you do or wish you could do to help your community?!?!?!?!?!? Comment/ Vote!
- Bri ;)

Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now