It Was True!

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Narcissa's POV: 

         "This letter Draco sent me about six new babies and Lucius imposed as a healer to be near the children. Why? He never wants to stop trying to be with them" She said to herself. 

           Lucius? Lucius?, I call to him in mind. 

           Here, my queen. 

          Lucius, did you be near the children a few hours ago? 

        Yes, Cissy. I did and I tired to tell them it was not I who hurt them. 

         What do you mean? 

         It was Crabbe who hurt the children. I was away in a cabinet in Crabbe's manor. They released him and later found me in the streets coming home. 

      Oh Merlin, what has happened....

Narcissa goes to the Ministry of Magic to see if Lucius can be freed because he was innocent of the crimes. She had found Harry Potter in the place where they were keeping prisoners before Azkaban. Cissy had asked Harry about what Draco and Star said about Lucius. Harry told her that they found him in the room with them and clinging to Star. Then he mentioned the truth potion to her and everything they asked him, it was all true. He was lying to Star, Draco and to her. 

"Thank you, Potter. It was all I needed to know. Do make sure he gets what he deserves before he heads to Azkaban."

"The trial is Saturday morning before the dinner at Draco's Manor."


"Yeah, Star planned it a few weeks ago with all of us. Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, three Hufflepuffs and most of Slytherins, of course. Because of her, the lot of us are all friends." 

"You have told me how much she showed herself differently. I am proud to know. Thank you again, Potter." 

"My pleasure, Mrs. Malfoy." 

Narcissa left the Ministry of Magic to her manor, where the children were playing together. The triplets in the cribs and the elves in the kitchen making dinner. 

"Grandma, where's mommy and daddy?" Neptune asks Narcissa. 

"They'll be home soon, Nep. Something came up, but they will be here." He was confused on what Grandma said. "Go play." He left to go play with his siblings. 

The whoosh sound of the fireplace, Narcissa looks in the next room and it was her children and the three of the six new babies. Draco leaves and comes back in two minutes with two of the babies. He goes again and comes back with the last baby. Narcissa went to get the children and brought them to see the new babies. 

"Look, Neptune. Venus, they're your new baby sisters and brothers." Star told her oldest children. 

"Why, Mommy!?" Venus was unhappy of the new babies. 

Draco and Star looked to each other and he agreed to tell Venus something. 

"Well sweetie, it's because mommy and I love each other very much and we have six new babies to love now." Draco turns to Star. 

Star's POV:

  Draco turns to me after trying to convince Venus that its okay about the babies. "Love, I know we truly mean it when we say "I love you"." My face changed. "I do love you, very much. Right at this moment, I am deeply and truly in love with you and I mean to love you forever." His arms around my waist. 

"Oh, Draco! I love you so much." His lips touched mine, then we locked together. 

"EWW!" We turned around to see the children making awful faces at their parents kissing in front of them. 

"I think you and I should take an early bed, don't you think, my queen?" Draco asks me. 

"I do think I know what you mean, dear husband." I felt his body come closer to mine. 

"Mother, we'll be upstairs." Draco told mother. 

"Sure, children. When you come back I have to tell you something. Go on for right now." Mother told us. 

We went upstairs to a bedroom, my husband charmed the room, so mother or the children won't hear us make a sound. I love him and he loves me. It's all I need to be happy with the man of my dreams and make children. 

"I mean what I said in front of mother. I am very deeply in love with you and it's forever. I only said i love you because I was suppose to and to get us to have the baby made before the wedding. I know this isn't what you should be hearing, love. But, it's true and after you seeing giving birth to the quadruplets, I can see how much you are in love with me to pain yourself to complete The Prophecy's wish of children we need to conceive." 

"Drake, I love you. Of course, I am going to go through the pain because I love you. It is alright, dear and let's forget everything in the past. We are making our future as a married couple and let's keep being husband and wife. Remember our wedding night, we promised, we won't be siblings anymore and that's what I don't see in us. I see a happy pureblood husband and wife making children to enlarge their home."

Draco kissed his wife passionately and that's when things got heated in bed. 

Four hours later, they were both under the covers and Draco held Star in his arms lovingly. 

"That was wonderful, dear. We should have mother watch the children more often and do this longer." I told Drake. 

"What you wish, my beautiful queen. Let's see what mother has to tell us." 

They left downstairs, dressed and found her with the children in the parlour. 

"Children, mother found out that your father is guilty of the crimes he made. I went to the department in the Ministry of Magic, Potter told me that the truth potion worked and Lucius was lying to you earlier today. He says trial is Satur--" Star bursts tears from her eyes and Draco immediately holds his upset wife in his arms. 

"Mother, he lied to tell us that it was Crabbe who did it to us, but it was him who hurt me and Star to make her lose a baby! I never want to see him again! He could die for all I care and he will never be near the children!" Draco took his crying wife upstairs to a room. 

"It's alright, my love. He won't touch us anymore. I promise you that." He started to kiss Star's lower jaw bone then to her neck. 

Star bent her neck backwards, so Draco could make love to her more. She told him about Muggle marks, called hickeys that are on the person you love or make love to. Within minutes, Star had six hickeys; four above her collar bone, and the other two in her upper neck area. He started kissing her again and they had gotten into bed for the second time since they got to Cissy's manor that evening. 

              I love you, Drake. 

            I love you too, darling queen. 

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