Valentine's Day (1997)

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January 3rd, 1997

Draco's POV: 

As we finally arrive on Platform 9 3/4 with Mother, I notice Star's hand around my arm while I pull the cart near the train. She tries to act as if nothing strange was going on between us and of course, I am trying to act normal. We take Athena and our two small luggage bags in our hands. Star and I say goodbye to Mother and we hop on the train a few minutes before departure. I take us to part of the train where no one was heading into and set us aside against the wall. She looks up at me and I smile at my Fiancée. I turn both ways to see if anyone was around, no one in sight. I kiss her and I hear Athena hooting happily as I release Star's lips from mine. 

"I don't want anyone to see us until we sit in the Great Hall together. I will stay with Crabbe and Goyle. You find your own compartment. I want to keep us safe from harm. I love you." 

"Okay, prince. Be good. I love you very much." I kiss her again after she tells me she loves me. 

I took one good look at her before I take off into the next cart over. I found my compartment with Goyle and Crabbe already sitting with some other Slytherins. I couldn't tell them the secret I found out about during the Holiday and they wouldn't believe me anyway. I just told them that it was a nice and quiet holiday with Star and Mother. I sit quietly until I wanted to go and harsh Potter. 

Star's POV: 

I wait until Draco is out of sight and I quickly walk through the cart and found Harry and the others in a compartment. They all slightly smile as they notice me at the door. Luna, who I haven't seen since last term showed me her small bag of teas I gave her for Christmas. Neville, who likes Herbology thanked me for the joke kit that disguises your stuff as plants. I lay my luggage on the shelf hidden behind Luna's incase Draco came to harsh Harry. I sit between Neville and Luna. I told my friends what happened after we left The Leaky Cauldron a few days ago. It was nothing special except it was only the sex. After an hour, of talking non-stop with them, Draco calls me in our minds. 

        'Love, do you want to come with me to harass Potter and his loser gang?' 

       'No. I am fine where I am. Alone in a compartment. And don't search for me if you don't want to be seen together.' 

    'Okay, my sweet. I am about to leave with Crabbe and Goyle. I will tell you what happens later.' 

I quickly leave the mind connection and ask Harry if I could use the cloak because Draco was coming to harass him. He gives it to me and I quickly move my seat with Luna so she is next to Neville. I sit crossed legged on the seat and threw the cloak over my body. Hermione gives me a thumbs up about my successful hiding. Within a minute, Draco, Goyle and Crabbe are standing in the doorway and Draco smirks at Harry. I only wish I could convince Draco what he was doing was bad. 

"Potty Potter and his careless friends. Well, I hope there's nothing to attack you this year. Ha! Like that's gonna happen, is it, Potter?" He sets foot into the compartment and Goyle an inch behind him. 

"Just get out of here, Malfoy! We do not want to make fights---" Ron was interrupted by Draco.

"Fights!? Is that what your implying, Weasel? I only make fights when I want and I wasn't looking for one." Draco was completely inside the compartment and his back was facing me. "I came to harass Potter and tell him that he will have to take all he has to fight this year." Goyle and Crabbe were watching Draco harassing Harry. I took matters into my own hands. 

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