How Many Babies!?(2001)

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Draco's POV:

  After the incident with Father back in June last year, then I kind of cheated on her and all. It is now a new year and my hugely pregnant wife is 8 months Through her pregnancy. It is Feb 13th. I had a talk with mother and she had told me she never meant to do any of what the Dark Lord told her to do. She wanted to escape with her sister, Andromeda, the woman I had met with Star. Andromeda isn't that awful, I don't why they never mentioned her when I was growing up. My wife thinks I need to have some friends to hang out with and whatnot. Theo? Blaise? Then she told me she had already invited her friends to the Manor for the evening. Why didn't she tell me before? 

I was a happy man with a loving wife and five good kids. That's what I was doing, playing with my children in their playroom. We hadn't showed them magic too much, we wanted to waited until they were a little older to understand. Star thought a two year old might not get what was going on than a four year old would. 

Neptune(Nep) and Venus(Ven) were gonna be four in December. Cassiopeia(Cassi), Lynx(Ly) and Jupiter(Jup) were gonna be two years old on our birthday June 5th. The new baby was gonna born in April, mostly early in the month. I could ask my wife if we should find out the sex before we find out how many there actually are. 

"Come on love, we don't want you to push out like...four babies and We only came with one name." I try to persuade my hormonal wife. 

"I guess we can check." She sighed. "It's just we have our hands full with five already. If I find out were having more than two, I am closing the tubes. No more pregnancies and no more long hours in labor for me. That's final! You understand, Draco!?" 

"Yes...dear.." I tried to wrap her in my arms, but she was too large to fit in my arms. 

We sat in the parlour were usually plan our day, week, and finish our day in. The room in where mother gave us The Prophecy five years ago and when our lives changed forever. I told her if we should go out tonight just the two of us and Mother can watch the children. She agreed, then she took out her wand and point it to her stomach. She casted a spell for the gender of the baby.....

It wasn't even one color we received, it was 6 colors! Three girls and three boys!! 11 children!? Didn't the Prophecy tell us 12 children last time? I went to our bedroom, searched the drawer and found that the number had changed to 20!? The number jumped from 12 to 20? How? I went back to my wife and showed her The Prophecy had changed the number again! She tried not to scream would make her water break. 

Star's POV: 

Great! I'm pregnant with 6 babies! How is that impossible!? Well, I can assure that I won't be having anymore after these quintuplets come. 

I walk to the window and look out for a few minutes and decide to go out to dinner with my husband. Mother had come to watch the children at the manor. 

Draco takes us to a restaurant in Diagon Alley. I was larger than a whale and I couldn't lean forward to eat, so my wonderful husband fed me my dinner. We talked of baby names and star consolations for their names. 

After dinner, we took a walk around Diagon Alley and I swear that my water had broke right there in the street. I quickly grabbed Draco and we went inside The Leaky Cauldron. After being in there many times with my friends, Tom knew who I was and Draco told him we didn't have time to go home to deliver the babies. I was glad Tom let us in a rented room for a few hours, no one had noticed us and I was happy to not be recognized in the pub. I was in so much pain! Tom set us in Room 6, oh how convenient! Tom was to get a Healer and within a minute, Tom had brought one to the room. 

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