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Hermione, Harry, Ginny and Star floo to Malfoy Manor, went outside to the yard and found her husband on the manor's roof shouting insane words of innocence. Mother came by Star's side and Astoria slid near them without another look at me.  

"Oh Sweetheart, we have tried, but he just won't budge." Mother told me. 

"We don't know how long we might be able to handle him being on the roof. Harry came after him--he told us to get lost." Astoria was trying to help. 

I look up towards the roof of the Manor, saw Draco standing near the edge of roofing and I wanted to get my husband down. 

"Draco, darling. Listen to me please. We want you to come down and I want you to be here for the children. Drake-please--I beg you, dear to get down from there. I love you, Draco." I tried my best to speak as loud as possible so it could reach him on the roof. 

"Sweetheart, maybe we should wait for him--"

"Mother!" Draco's voice reached us. "I am staying here no matter what anyone says and I don't have anything to say to her or you. Astoria, I love you!" 

"Bloody hell, Draco! I told you I don't love you. Why are you trying to keep yourself away from Star?" 

"I never really liked the idea we had to get married. I faked everything to listen or we would die. Now it seems like a good reason to die while we're ahead of having children. I am sorry, but this is the only way to get myself to confess after these three years." 

"It doesn't matter, Draco. Come down, please." I tried to assure him about living. 

"Maybe, if I could get him to come down for us and it could save us some time." Harry tugged on my sleeve. 

"Thanks Harry." He left to get on the roof and talk to Draco. 

Within a few minutes, Harry was on the roof with him and we couldn't hear what was going between them, but sooner or later they both came down to the safe ground. They were walking our direction and I ran to him for a hug. Before I reached him, he pushed me aside and I started to fall to the ground, which I didn't, Harry had caught me in his arms. The next thing I knew, was Hermione and Ginny had their wands pointed at Draco and they were angry-extremely angry. 

"You foul loathsome of a cockroach! Star loves you and you want to ignore her like this? Bloody Hell Malfoy, I thought--no, I knew you would do this some time and now, that it's here." 

"Mione, what are you on about?" Ginny asks, while looking at Draco. 

"I don't really know actually." She quickly turns to see Narcissa with Harry and Star. "Malfoy, I suggest you be with Star or if you don't, I'll kill you myself." 

"You really think that will solve anything, Granger! If you killed me, Star will die within days and what then? The children will be alone with mother and you won't have that precious friend anymore. I don't think I could think twice if she died---" He slowly looked in Harry's way, Star was sleeping in his arms. "I couldn't lose her--I can not lose her. Ever." There were tears in his eyes. 

"See Draco, you were hurt from the fight, you just didn't want to see any truth of actually loving her like you always have." Astoria tells Draco. 

"No! I love you Astoria and only you!" 

"Nope, get away from me!" She disapparated quickly to not cause anymore harm against Draco and Star. 

"Astoria! Come--back. Why would she do this? I have to find her." Draco dosapparated away to find Astoria. 

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