The Brothers Like To Show Off Their Powers

Start from the beginning

Bart then grins. “Wanna see something cool?”

I frown. “Last time someone said that I had fangs in my neck.”

Clinton grimaces from the pool. “I said I was sorry!” I chuckle, waving him off.

Bart smirks. “Watch.” Then all of a sudden, he’s gone. Like vanished into thin air kind of gone. I glance around with a frown on my face. Where did he go?


“Yes?” A voice answers. Whoa.

“Where are you?”

“Right here, silly.” Something pokes me in the stomach and I jump.

“How the hell…where…what?” I frown.

I hear him chuckle. “Know how Clinton has the mind reading?” I nod. “Well, remember? We all have a little something too. Mine’s turning invisible. Most vampires are born with some power, but not all. Just some.” Then he comes back into view, grinning.

Then I remember Clinton saying how they all have powers and I break out into a grin. “That’s so cool! I wish I had something like that!”

Nell claps her hands. “Ooh! What can pretty boy do over there?” She points to Henry where a smirk makes it’s way onto his face.

“Better watch out Clinton, I might steal your girl. Literally.” He chuckles, and then I see something I thought I never would see.

Nell. Floating in the air.

I do a double take and my mouth drops while she hovers over to Henry, her mouth dropped too. “Oh my god! You better not drop me you asshole!” She hisses, trying to maneuver her way back over to her chair. Only Nell would say that and not freak out about how she’s freaking flying in thin air.

Henry chuckles, obviously enjoying this. “I have a really good view of your ass right about now…”

Clinton growls, sounding very jealous. “Henry! Put her down!” He sighs and reluctantly floats Nell back to her seat.

Nell puts a hand over her heart. “I almost had a mini heart attack. I wish that guy wasn’t a brick wall otherwise his ass would be pulp right about now.”

I smile, then realize I’m slowly being lifted from the air. I look down and gasp. I’m above the water, floating. Henry. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, slowly opening my eyes. “Why do I have the sudden urge to fly around like Peter Pan?”

Bart bursts out into a fit of laughter, while some of the other brothers chuckle. Henry smirks. “Cool huh?”

I nod, grinning like an idiot. “This is so cool!” I move around a little bit, since I cant full out fly. Henry cant actually make me fly.

Henry chuckles. “You have a better ass than your sister…”

“Hey!” Me and Nell shout at the same time, scowling. “Put me down now. This isn’t some free show.”

Henry shrugs, smirking mischievously. “Whatever you say.” And just like that, he drops me right into the pool. I come back up coughing a little, and glaring at the now laughing Henry.

“Ass.” I mumble, splashing water his way. “What can you do, Edward?”

He smirks and looks up at the sky, and then the next second he’s flying around. My mouth drops. “Oh my God! You can freaking fly?”

“Yeah.” He sighs. “But only up to fifty feet. Kinda sucks.”

My eyes go wider. “Are you effing stupid? That’s amazing! I would give anything for that!” That makes him smirk and he grabs my hand hoisting me into the air, flying around with him. This is like a dream come true. Scratch that, this is a dream come true! “Oh my god!” I breath, looking down at my friends.

“I know.” Edward smiles and nods.

He gently sets me back down in the pool near Charles who’s smirking. I smile brightly at him. “That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in this whole world! How are you gonna top that?”

He scoffs. “I can do something way cooler than that, you’ll be blow outta this world.”

“Proof it.” I cross my arms.

He shrugs, and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the deeper end of the pool. “Keep your eyes open the whole time, and breath the whole time. Got it?”

I frown but nod. “What does-” He cuts me off my dragging me under the water, my hand still in his. My eyes widen and I almost choke from the water, but then realize there’s no water coming inside my nose or mouth. I’m breathing.

I’m breathing underwater.

Charles smirks while I stare at him in shock. “Cooler than Edward?” He mouths.

I shake my head, smirking. “Flying is way better.” I mouth back.

He frowns, but then an evil grin comes onto his face, and he pushes me up against the edge of the pool, so my back is hitting the pool. Before I can ask what he’s doing his mouth connects with mine. My eyes shut like a reflex, and I kiss him back passionately. Then it hits me.

I’m kissing a hot vampire, while breathing underwater.

That’s gotta be the coolest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.

He kisses more deeper, his tongue moving with mine. He groans when I start playing with his hair. He tangles his hands in my hair, which is moving around in the water slowly. That’s how everything is right now. In slow motion. All I hear is the soft water in the background, while the sparks flow through me. Do sparks flow through him every time he kisses me? Or is it just me? His body come closer to mine, separating the little inch gap that’s no longer there. I feel him smile against my lips, and he starts kissing my neck, making me shudder a tiny bit.

He goes to my shoulder, making me full out shiver. His smile gets wider when he goes back up to my neck and he breaths in. One part of my mind is screaming at me that he’s a vampire, but the second part is telling my first to shut the fuck up. He goes to my earlobe where moan slightly. He goes back to my lips, smirking, and kisses me quickly before swimming back up to the top. I smile and then realize I need to breath, so I swim quickly up to the surface.

I swim over to the edge of the pool and hoist myself out, sitting back next to Nell who’s smirking mischievously. “You were under there a long time. What did you do?” She waggles her eyebrows.

I slap her on the arm playfully before leaning back down into my chair. “Oh, you know, he just showed me how he breaths underwater and how to make out underwater.” I say nonchalantly, trying to break out into a grin.

Clinton fake gags. “Bro! I can hear your thoughts from like a mile away! Tune them down a bit! I don’t want to hear about what you want to do with Nora, because it’s probably never gonna happen!” Charles’s face immediately goes red and darkens. Me, on the other hand, burst out laughing. I cant believe Clinton just said that out loud. I wonder what Charles is thinking…

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