"Go on, come on Layla go put something nice on before our guest arrives. I want you too cook your specialities for him." She smiles at me and gives me a wink.

Okay.... Whats wrong with teta today.. Something is definitely going on.

I go up the stairs and walk into my bedroom. Hmm.. something nice?

I decide to wear my skinny jeans, and paired it with a flowy white shirt and a plus sized cardigan on top. My hair was already in waves down my back so i kept it that way. 

I didn't want to impress anyone or attract attention so i just quickly swiped some mascara on my lashes to keep teta happy. Im sure this Adam guy is used to being surrounded by super models.

Hmm what else should i do to look less attractive?? Yes big ugly socks!

I put on my big comfy winter socks, they were so colorful, fuzzy and warm. 

I walked down with an evil grin on my face. Teta whatever you are planning definitely wont work i think to myself.

I sneak into the kitchen before teta notices what im wearing on my feet, grabbing Melak on my way. 

I place Melak in her high chair, and start preparing dinner while my daughter told me a story in her gibberish half-understood language. Her hands were in the air as she was demonstrating everything going on, i just nodded and "ohh-ed" and "ahh-ed" in the right moments.  I decided to mix my two cultures and make both Iraqi and Lebanese food. I made waraq enab (stuffed vine leaves), taboueleh and fatoush as appetizers because they were my top favorites. I also made Iraqi Biryani as the main dish with, soup on the side. I made kanafeh from scratch for dessert since it was teta's favorite. 

I made so much food, probably enough to feed a whole army.

Teta would always say what a great cook i am, i guess my mom taught me well.

The doorbell rings, and my heart stutters. There is a strange felling in the pit of my stomach. I feel nervous and excited, my hands are all clammy, Layla get a grip. You're a muslim and this is a strange man we are talking about. 

Melak shrieks with joy at the sound of the doorbell, I put her down and she runs in the direction of the door. I walk towards the door to greet the handsome doctor.

I pause mid step as he comes into my view. My breath catches. Handsome is an understatement.

He is the most gorgeous man i have ever laid eyes on. Er.. not that i lay my eyes on many men or anything..

His hair was no longer long, but rather cut nicely and smoothed back lazily, his straight nose looked sharper than ever and so did his jaw. His eyes were my favorite. So warm and inviting, yet cold and demanded respect. I was lost in his eyes.

I heard someone clearing their throat and immediately snapped out of my daydream. What am i doing! Lower your gaze you idiot!  

"Good evening, Layla" His smooth voice said. "Nice socks." He continued with a smirk, handing teta a bouquet of flowers.

Oh god! He noticed! Why am i embarrassed? this is exactly what i wanted to achieve. My body betrayed me and i felt a blush color my cheeks.

I looked up and he was still staring at me. Ugh! doesn't he know that its haram to stare?

Teta chose the perfect timing to interrupt us.

 "My habibti Layla prepared the dinner tonight, shall we eat?"

"Lead the way, ladies!" He said with all confidence in the world. Ugh pig.


We all sat around the round dining table, Melak and teta on either side of me and Adam right in front of me.

As we began to eat i noticed that Adam scooped a little of everything, and felt pleased that he was willing to try my cooking but when he went back for a second and third scooping i just thought to myself.. wow and i thought i ate a lot.

"Layla you're a great cook, you've got some great talents up your sleeve!" He says while reaching for his soda. 

"I haven't eaten Lebanese food in forever and i dont think it has ever tasted this good, and this is my first time tasting Iraqi food and i cant say im disappointed." He continues. 

Why is he complementing me???? i feel so uncomfortable.

"U-uh thank-you?" I answer but it comes out more like a question. 

He holds my gaze. We stay like that for a few moments until Melak starts demanding more food. 

Teta breaks the silence once again. "Hayatee Layla, i wanted to talk to you about something." She tells me warily.

"Um okay? do we have to talk about it now?" I ask because really.. she thinks this is the perfect time to talk to me about something... in front of our guest who happens to be a stranger?

"Yes dear, you see... Im leaving."

"What, where?"

"Layla, my time on earth is ticking- "

Just hearing her say that makes my heart bleed. Im not ready, Oh allah give us all strength. 

"I decided to go visit your family in Ohio for a few months, i miss them and i think its time for me to see my daughter and grandson. So I've asked Adam here to look after you from time to time..."

I feel sad that she is going to leave me, but i understand her reasoning.

"And one more thing..." She pauses. "I also decided to bring your brother Sami with me to meet you when i return."

She stuns me into a deep silence. I feel all the blood drain from my face, i feel weak. I am numb with fear. The last thing i remember is looking into Adam's eyes before blackness surrounds me and unconsciousness takes over.


I haven't been getting any comments or views or whatever you may call them on this book.. I feel kinda discouraged about writing but then i remember that i love what im currently doing, and that i dont have to become some big shot writer on Wattpad to feel happy.

I hope you're all having a good day inshallah, peace and love.


Rania, x

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora