The Bad Boy Wants The Athlete

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Twilight suddenly stands up and removes her glasses "I can't take it anymore, I'm triggered at the sight of Rainbow Dash's mess. I'm going to clean this up."

"Well at least somebody has the spirit to do a very kind and generous job today, right Element of Generosity?" I glanced at Rarity with a mocking smile stretched on my face and she rolls her eyes at me.

"I didn't hear a 'Thank you'!" Twilight shouts across the room.

"Thank you, Twilight, for the kind offer, of course as the person who has better common sense than Rainbow Dash, you never disappoint me," Rarity gives me a mocking smile back and I roll my eyes at her.

"Shhh shhh! everyone quiet now!" Pinkie shouts and looks out the window, "there's a guy next door and he's looking pretty."

I confusedly stare at her, "What?" I stand up from my seat, leaving the box of sushi on the table, and everyone gathers beside the window to see what Pinkie was pointing at. A car parked outside the house next door and my eyes wander off to a navy-blue-haired teenage boy wearing sunglasses and black buttoned-up long sleeves. He looks around the same as we are. Next to him follows a woman who looks like his mother.

Fuck, new neighbors, again? I'm tired of their shit every day. Last time we had a neighbor, they always hosted parties and karaoke, I wanted them to leave this street so bad, I played rock music every night up until morning. If these people do the same thing I'm moving out already.

"New neighbors? Ooh, what's his name?" Pinkie smiles widely and gasps. "Is this a guessing game? Ooh, I love guessing!"

I abruptly pull the curtains closed, and Applejack grabs my arm, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Stop staring at them! I don't want them to know that someone next door looked like they are stalking them,"

"I think they already know we were looking at them-" Twilight replies and gets cut off by Sunset, "Who cares, Rainbow Dash lives here anyway, they'll assume Rainbow Dash is creepy and has an obsessive crush over the guy next door."

My face turns into disgust, "Gross, Sunset, do I fucking look like I'm the type of person to be obsessed with someone?"

"Haha, yeah" she chuckles and I slap her arm. I stared back at the boy who was standing outside his new house with a phone in his hand. I'm assuming he's going to transfer to Canterlot High, cause Canterlot High is just a walking distance away. I feel like he's the guy who would get along with Flash Sentry and Thunderlane, basically the annoying jerks his upcoming Senior year.

"Love at first sight, isn't it rainbow dash?" Rarity rests an arm on my shoulder and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Pfft," I snort unattractively "I know better than love, bitch, please it's too sappy."

"And what's better than love, if it is comparable?" she raises a brow. Love is just a fucking feeling that everybody thinks that it comes from the heart. Please think about it literally that the heart does not do anything except pump blood. Get in mind that love is just a stupid feeling that will get you distracted, hurt, and making pathetic.

I sound so bitter and edgy, what the hell.

"Math," I reply, smiling smugly and Rarity rolls her eyes.

"You failed Math last year." Twilight chimes in.

"You don't know that Twilight."

"Yes I do, I was the one who checked your examination papers."

I gasp, dramatically placing a hand on my chest, "and you didn't even bother to change the score into an average? What kind of a friend are you?"

"I'd rather burn all my books than cheat in class."

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